The Significance And Role Of Interpersonal Skills

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A person with these abilities will communicate well with others. This is not only about being clear and talking in a way that people can understand the message you are putting across, it is also about listening and understanding others. It includes being able to pick up on tensions and situations whilst managing and controlling your own emotions. Being calm in negotiation situations or pre-empting/during conflict would demonstrate good interpersonal skills. A person with these skills tends to build and maintain good/strong relationships and will work extremely well with individuals as well as in group situations. These are the skills a good manager will display with customers, suppliers, partners, stakeholders and their team and colleagues.

A manager who is self-aware while also being mindful of how others are presenting themselves will also be alert to the team dynamics. This will support the team working well together as well as collaborative working across other services in the company. Having good communication skills will help with giving clear and constructive feedback to employees. It is also about listening to feedback from employees and building a trust and loyalty with staff so they feel confident first of all that they can come and talk to the manager and also they have been listened to. When a manager is a good role model it encourages their team and colleagues to foster similar characteristics, which means they will also build good relationships with colleagues and customers.

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An example of good interpersonal skills would be a manager/leader who takes responsibility and actively listens to people. Within my role as a branch manager I take responsibility for my actions and how we perform as a team against our KPI’s. I have an open-door policy and team members know I am available to them at all times. This means they come to me with any concerns they have about work or their personal life and I have a good understanding of what motivates them and what pressures they may be under. I try to always act in a fair and open way and to take the appropriate action. I have undertaken a 360-degree appraisal and received anonymous feedback from a wide range of internal and external work contacts. This showed I am perceived as assertive, dependable, a good and clear communicator, I motivate people, take responsibility and have a good level of emotional intelligence.

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The Significance And Role Of Interpersonal Skills. (2022, February 17). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 13, 2025, from
“The Significance And Role Of Interpersonal Skills.” Edubirdie, 17 Feb. 2022,
The Significance And Role Of Interpersonal Skills. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 13 Jan. 2025].
The Significance And Role Of Interpersonal Skills [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Feb 17 [cited 2025 Jan 13]. Available from:

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