Today I’ll be talking about two texts which highlight the theme of overcoming adversity the first text is Billy Elliot released 2000 directed by Stephen Daldry the second text is The Door written by Miroslav Holub, published in 1962. Both Billy Elliot and The Door share the theme of overcoming adversity in Billy Elliot overcoming adversity can be seen as a type of change that Billy has to go through, in The Door overcoming adversity can be seen as a change that needs to happen urgently.
In Billy Elliot overcoming adversity can be seen as a type of change that Billy has to go through during the film and during the opening scene you can see the paradox between the private world of Billy and the low angle shot of the riot and the private world of Billy can be seen as more joyful and content than the riot police outside. Billy also has to overcome change and adversity about being a ballet dancer because Jacky thinks that ballet is girl’s sport and that boy’s should be doing boxing and this shows that Billy’s Dad has a fixed, mindset and at the end of the film Billy can be seen in the ballet of swan lake and after Billy does his big leap the camera turns to face Jacky and you can see that Jacky has overcome the adversity and change about boy’s in ballet and has come to be very proud of Billy in the ballet. Another way that overcoming adversity and change has been showed in Billy Elliot is when Billy has got the courage to dance in front of Jacky and this shows that Billy has gone through a change and thinks that his dad will be more excepting of boys’ in ballet but at this point in the film Jacky still has the mindset that ballet is a girl’s sport and tells Billy to stop doing ballet.
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In The Door overcoming adversity can be seen as a change that needs to happen urgently The door is trying to show us by saying “Go and open the door” at the beginning of every stanza but the last gives us a sense of urgency for the change and makes the reader want to take a chance and explore the change that is outside, also the word maybe tells us that there will be challenges in the change that is to come. The Door also gives you the sense that each time you go outside the door the challenges and changes will become increasingly more difficult to overcome but that you will be able to overcome the challenges faced outside the door in the first stanza Holub wrote “ Maybe outside there’s a tree, or a wood, a garden, or a magic city” and in the last stanza Holub wrote “Even if there’s only darkness ticking even if there’s only a hollow wind even if nothing is there, go and open the door” and this shows us that we should go outside no matter what there is to face outside the door and the use of the repeated words “go and open the door” at the end of the last stanza is repeating that sense of urgency for change and is telling us to go and open the door and step outside into the world.
In conclusion the theme of overcoming adversity and change can be seen in both Billy Elliot directed by Daldry and The Door written by Holub and the texts give us a sense that there is great need for change and to overcome the adversity displayed in both of the texts.
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