Tokyo's Urbanization and Its Consequences

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Tokyo is the capital city of Japan and the one of world’s most heavily populated megalopolis. It is also one of the 47 prefectures of Japan, composed of 23 central town halls and several cities, villages and towns west of the city center. Today, Tokyo is one of the most sustainable and advanced cities in the planet with all the futuristic architecture and streets brimming with machinery and technology. However, this wouldn’t be the case without urbanization. The primary factor that caused urbanization in Tokyo is food production. Food production is a fundamental key to bringing individuals in, because healthy food production means an increase of population. Another cause of urbanization is the increase of society because a great deal of people is drawn Tokyo’s entertainment and the variety of events that Tokyo provides.

In 1995, 9.2 percent of Japan's total population lived in Tokyo, but this number increased to 10.1 percent in just 10 years by 2015. And due to Tokyo’s advances, the ageing population is promptly growing because of factors such as enhanced nourishment, excellent medical and pharmacological machinery is provided to prevent common diseases and illnesses, life expectancy of Tokyo is tremendous. These are very admirable pull factors for Tokyo.

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Ultimately, occupations and residential economy advanced overtime leading to the advancement of the metropolis. The birth of Tokyo was much like other major capital cities around the world, but with all causes must come consequences. The vital consequences of Tokyo include over population, since everyone is drawn to Tokyo because of all its excellent pull factors. Population will rapidly increase, and overpopulation will become a recognizable concern.

High prices of property are also a common issue with urbanization because of land limitations. The average price for a newly designed house in the western suburbs of Tokyo is $42,380,000 yen, that’s equivalent to $394,000 aud. Individuals would have to pay that much just for a new home. This is a rough push factor for the people that want to live in Tokyo.

Tokyo has a cultivating and sustainable food production system since 1961. Japan harvests over 1 million tons of 11 distinguishable foods, these include rice, wheat, soybeans, meat, and an array of fruits and vegetables. Rice has become one of the most dominant foods in Tokyo. Japan has the entire area of rice growing paddies ranging from 2,446,000 hectares and produces roughly 7,800,000 tons of fresh rice.

Tokyo is facing a considerable ecological disturbance with the expansion in automotive and diesel vehicles, Tokyo’s atmosphere is considered inferior regarding to the environmental aspects. Adding on to Tokyo’s contaminated environment, concentrations of carbon dioxide and waste from burning fossil fuels in factories and machinery. Tokyo accounts for 62 million tons of greenhouse gas emissions per year. Meanwhile the atmosphere in Tokyo is less polluted than Indonesia, it’s still alarmingly contaminated. Roughly 60,000 immature deaths arise from air pollution in Tokyo every year, given to a long term, multicenter study announced in The Lancet in 2017. Going deeper to Motor vehicles, an acceleration in the numbers of motor vehicles that uses petroleum fuel has resulted in impurities from exhaust fumes, this will drastically push out excessive amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

This isn’t the end if Tokyo starts now there is another alternative to this. If Tokyo can benefit from using renewable energy and clean energy products, Tokyo will become easier to breath. Productions such as rooftop solar panels, wind turbines, and solar air conditioning will limit the emissions of carbon dioxide and make Tokyo more ecofriendly. Since Tokyo is rank second as world’s wealthiest city according to CNBC, they can also take advantage of ecofriendly transportations. Tokyo is far ahead with technological advancements and it won’t take long until they can have a better cleaner future ahead of them. A green vehicle, or a sustainable vehicle, or an eco-friendly vehicle, is a road-motor vehicle that generates less negative environmental impacts than comparable fuel - burning-motor vehicles powered on gasoline or diesel or using other alternative fuels. If Tokyo wants to be even more ecofriendly, they could have the option to use bicycles, electronic vehicles or even just walking. This strategy will ensure that Tokyo isn’t relying on transportations that require gasoline and diesel output. And in return this will aid the environment extremely. Factories can also contribute in assisting the environment in many approaches. Factories could even use technology to destroy pollutants and even choose non harmful materials to create goods.

In conclusion, it’s not too late for Tokyo to act now, this could be life changing if they manage to follow these strategies. Strategies such as using solar energy and electronic transports will benefit the environment immeasurably.

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Tokyo’s Urbanization and Its Consequences. (2022, October 28). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 8, 2024, from
“Tokyo’s Urbanization and Its Consequences.” Edubirdie, 28 Oct. 2022,
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Tokyo’s Urbanization and Its Consequences [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Oct 28 [cited 2024 Sept 8]. Available from:

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