My imaginative piece, crafting the viewpoint of a homosexual participant within a gay conversion therapy program, uses the influence of Catcher in the Rye by J.D Salinger and Jonathan Swift’s satirical essay, A Modest Proposal to reinforce the created voice of dissent. Opposing religious belief, societal norm and the totalitarian like the dominance of leading service figures, the narrative draws upon language techniques inspired by both texts in order to convey a “stream of consciousness” literary style writing piece.
Through the use of first-person narration, as inspired by the writings of Salinger, personal connections and empathy to the targeted audience are created. Therefore, evoking a sense of intimacy in regards to the emotional state and vulnerability of the protagonist. In the likeness of Caulfield, thoughts and reactions of the main character are expressed through internal monologue, in which expose readers to the experienced situation, the severity of power imbalance and further justifies the defying view of the protagonist. Additionally, the syntax of sentence flow within the creative piece emphasizes subtle actions of disagreement, seen within the quote 'Just to stop lying. Once I get started, I can go on for hours if I feel like it. No kidding. Hours.' of the first prescribed text and “The only gift reminding him of the tender touch of domesticity absent. Damaged. It was the first time I had smiled in a while.” as influenced. Present within the 1951 novel, repetition across paragraphs conveys the mentally fixed state and overthinking tendencies of Salinger’s character. Building psychological depth to the characterisation of the dissenting voice suggested through 'Boy, did I feel rotten. I felt so ...lonesome.' and the later line, 'I got to feeling so lonesome and rotten'. A continued motif is evident within Catcher in the Rye, describing the fear of change held by the main character. This literary device is mirrored through the descriptive and recurring imagery of a brighter environment outside the confines of the conversion institution. Assisting in creating an image of the unjust encounters experienced.
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Additionally, A Modest Proposal explores the socio-economic turmoil experienced during the 18th century Ireland, challenging political views within the context. Greatly inspired by Swift’s provocation, my imaginative piece examines the identity of a homosexual man in disagreement with societal acceptance of heteronormativity. Within the satirical essay, the author uses allusions to further establish historical conditions, support the argument of the narrator and form a particular perspective - this technique carried into the created narrative. Through the creative choices present within the imaginative piece, inspired by J.D Salinger’s Catcher in the Rye and A Modest Proposal by Jonathan Swift, I have been able to create an inspired narrative in which encapsulates a strong dissenting voice towards heteronormativity and underlying bigotry of religion. Successfully exemplifying the chosen quote “The mark of the immature man is that he wants to die nobly for a cause, while the mark of the mature man is that he wants to live humbly for one.”
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