Ways To Bounce Back After A Major Work Mistake

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As humans, we are bound to make mistakes. After spending lot of time at workplace, we have tendency to commit one or two mistakes. The first instinct as humans after committing a mistake, is to try to hide it & panic- or runaway from it. This isn't a good way good to deal with it going forward. Everyone one makes mistakes at some point, how we handle it is what matters.

Here are ways to bounce back after making a major work mistake

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Try to Fix the Problem

Before going forward to your superior about your mistake, search deep down if there's a way to remedy or correct the mistake yourself. If it's one you can fix without causing more harm than good, then fix it- no one may need to know about it.

If the mistake is far beyond what you can fix, go to someone for attention. While going forward, you should also have different likely solutions in mind.

Apologize- once- to necessary parties

One other instinct after making a mistake is necessary parties and apologizing over and over again. This idea usually comes from a genuine place in our mind But doing it repeatedly can be harmful to you rather than good. Once you make a mistake, just tender an apology once and move on.

Take Responsibility

Once you make a mistake instead of blaming people before or trying to involve them in the matter, take responsibility. Bringing others down won't help us you. I'll only get you more enemies at work place. Owning up to your mistake by taking responsibility goes to show how strong your Leadership still is, it can also boost your rep among your co-worker & superior.

Accept the Consequences

Mistakes at times comes with consequences as you could have to stay extra has at work or late during the night to reach out to lots of customer to crosscheck data in a bid to correct an error. Whatever the consequences, do well to remedy your mistakes without complaints. This goes to show how serious you take the mistake instead of just apologizing.

Doing this makes it easy and gives a positive feeling moving on. It is also a great way to show your boss how much of a team player you can be.

Don't Hide

It can be embarrassing coming out to own up to a mistake especially if it is very severe. Hiding due to shame isn't a good way to go as it only makes the matter worse. After owning to your mistakes and apologizing, don't dwell much on it or seclude yourself from the rest in your office or option opt out from contributing at meetings.

Come out of your shame. See mistakes as a teacher, an opportunity to make you get better & wiser.

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Ways To Bounce Back After A Major Work Mistake. (2022, February 21). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 8, 2024, from https://edubirdie.com/examples/ways-to-bounce-back-after-a-major-work-mistake/
“Ways To Bounce Back After A Major Work Mistake.” Edubirdie, 21 Feb. 2022, edubirdie.com/examples/ways-to-bounce-back-after-a-major-work-mistake/
Ways To Bounce Back After A Major Work Mistake. [online]. Available at: <https://edubirdie.com/examples/ways-to-bounce-back-after-a-major-work-mistake/> [Accessed 8 Sept. 2024].
Ways To Bounce Back After A Major Work Mistake [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Feb 21 [cited 2024 Sept 8]. Available from: https://edubirdie.com/examples/ways-to-bounce-back-after-a-major-work-mistake/

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