What Are Toxic Relationship With Workers?

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In 21st century, where technology is growing on fast pace it is still hard to replace human labour. Most of the industries still rely on human labour for their production. In countries like china, India and Vietnam they are still facing problems like labour violation rights and low wages in all the leather and footwear industries.

According to the survey in north and south India “low wages of 100 euros per month, lack of regular employment relationships, lack of employee state insurance and EPF and long working hours ae among the problems they face” (Watch your step 4). It is noticed that most of the employees have complained of poor wages. Even working conditions are not good. India is the fourth largest exporter of the leather goods in the world and the reason is cheap labour. Most of the employees are working in these companies due to lack of opportunities but their wages are not enough to fulfill the basic needs of the family.

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Moreover, workers are exposed to hazardous chemicals. Employers are forcing employees to operate chemicals which are prone to their health. irregular intake of chemicals killed 50 people in the jeans industry (“Killer jeans” 5). Companies have been using sandblasting and a lot of silica dust is generated during the process and can result to silicosis which is a hazard chemical.

However, the workers want social security and a raise, but I don’t know how to negotiate with factory manager( No excuses for homework 2). Workers rights were violated like no fixed working hours and were hired temporarily or on contract as per the availability. Workers don’t have a permanent job. Furthermore, there is an unfair distribution of prices and actual value of goods. As it is not completely distributed among production workers and most of it is consumed by the distributor and brand (“Real cost of our shoes” 3).

In addition, the interview held in Chinese footwear industry states that they are forced to work overtime and if they denied doing, they were either abused or demoted (“Tricky footwears” 1). Workers were discriminated on behalf of wages. the living cost is much higher than what they are actually paid. Women were not granted the paid maternity leave.

To conclude, lack of implementations of these laws can be resolved by bringing labour laws in effective, legalization of freedom of assembly and association. It is evident that employees are paid poorly and are forced to do overtime shifts in extreme worst conditions.

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What Are Toxic Relationship With Workers? (2022, February 17). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 9, 2024, from https://edubirdie.com/examples/what-are-toxic-relationship-with-workers/
“What Are Toxic Relationship With Workers?” Edubirdie, 17 Feb. 2022, edubirdie.com/examples/what-are-toxic-relationship-with-workers/
What Are Toxic Relationship With Workers? [online]. Available at: <https://edubirdie.com/examples/what-are-toxic-relationship-with-workers/> [Accessed 9 Sept. 2024].
What Are Toxic Relationship With Workers? [Internet] Edubirdie. 2022 Feb 17 [cited 2024 Sept 9]. Available from: https://edubirdie.com/examples/what-are-toxic-relationship-with-workers/

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