What Family Means to Me: Essay

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The word “family” is special, and unique in many different aspects. While some believe family is purely a blood relation, others realize that family is much more than that. It is about loyalty and the people who support you, no matter the circumstance. This essay will argue why the relationship of the bezprizorni in The Wild Children is an accurate representation of a family in a modern context.

To begin, I will be discussing what classifies a member of a family. Firstly, blood relations are not the only way to classify a member as being part of a family. For instance, if you adopted a child it would become a member of your family, without being blood-related to you. Thus, the family does not necessarily need to be blood-related in order to become family. In The Wild Children, Peter and Alex, two bezprizorni, both recognize that they are a family. In particular, Alex said, “No Peter, he entreated. Come with us. We are a… a family.” (pg.148) Peter then said, “Yes…And I am going back for others in the family.” This shows that there is a very strong bond between Peter and Alex who are part of the bezprizorni. They would do anything to ensure their safety and well-being. Therefore, Alex, Peter, and the bezprizorni are classified as a family without having any blood relation among them.

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Next, I will go into more detail on the loyalty of family, and the support they provide. To begin, a member of the family has extreme loyalty as one will not abandon another, especially during difficult times in life. For instance, before the bezprizorni escaped the local children’s home, Peter went to find Anya, a member of the bezprizorni. Peter explains, “Anya was curled like a kitten on a window ledge, sleeping soundly. He lifted her gently and hurried to the window.” (pg. 108) This statement demonstrates Peter’s sense of care and loyalty toward Anya by not abandoning her at the local children’s home. Another point regarding family involves the unconditional support it embodies. Connecting to The Wild Children, Peter helped Miska, another bezprizorni member escape the harsh local children’s home. Peter acted quickly after, “The leather bludgeon in the director’s hand was raised and brought down in one continuous heavy motion.” (pg. 100) which struck Miska. Moreover, Peter was handed an inch of vodka, “sniffed it, put a drop on his tongue, and then poured it all over the wound.” (pg. 101) This situation reveals the immense amount of moral support Peter gave to Miska which he also displays with other bezprizorni members. Overall, this shows that the bezprizorni never abandon another, no matter the circumstances, and that they always stay loyal to one another as a family.

As I discussed in the previous paragraph, a family’s support and loyalty are important, which the bezprizorni established throughout The Wild Children. Moreover, blood relation is not the only factor at play in determining who is part of a family. The bezprizorni showed how strong their bond is without having any blood relation through multiple life experiences between Peter, Alex, Anya, and Miska. Therefore, this proves that the word “family” developed a new interpretation as a result of the story, now with a new form/meaning.

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What Family Means to Me: Essay. (2023, March 01). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 21, 2025, from https://edubirdie.com/examples/what-family-means-to-me-essay/
“What Family Means to Me: Essay.” Edubirdie, 01 Mar. 2023, edubirdie.com/examples/what-family-means-to-me-essay/
What Family Means to Me: Essay. [online]. Available at: <https://edubirdie.com/examples/what-family-means-to-me-essay/> [Accessed 21 Jan. 2025].
What Family Means to Me: Essay [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2023 Mar 01 [cited 2025 Jan 21]. Available from: https://edubirdie.com/examples/what-family-means-to-me-essay/

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