What Was One Negative Effect of Triangular Trade

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Although sugar is sweet, slavery is not. The demand for sugar led to the demand for slave labor. According to Britain’s Trade Documentary, the slaves from the West African coast were used for profit. Then, transported to North and South American colonies (“Gold, Silver, and Slaves: Britain’s Trade Documentary”). They were transported so they can be used for labor on plantations and sold for large amounts of money. As they were transported, they were kept very close to each other, and diseases had a huge impact on the slaves because of the way the slaves were treated. The Triangular Trade was not a triangle nor a trade, it was more of a spherical process that traveled around the world. The Trade increased demand for land and slave labor, leading to greed and bad behavior; meaning the three ways to sustain the triangular trade are to keep up with the demand, increase global trade, and excuse bad behavior for slavery.

To be able to keep up with the demands, the supply of goods would need to stay stable. Without the supply staying stable, their profit would decrease. America supplied natural resources but needed slave labor to harvest them; Africa would enslave people and provide the slave labor but they wanted manufactured goods from Europe. Europe could sell manufactured goods but needed raw materials from America. According to the mercantile theory, “colonies were to supply their mother nation with raw materials and buy their manufactured goods” (Ladenburg). This demonstrates how America supplying natural resources was vital due to them supplying their own resources was, in fact, following the mercantile theory of supplying their mother nation with raw materials.

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The Triangular Trade, also known as the global trade, increased the size of the market and demand for valuable goods and resources such as “sugar, tobacco, rice, rum, and other plantation produce” (Findlay 3). This demonstrates how the Trade increased the size of markets and the demand for valuable goods because they traded high-quality items which are great for trading. This demonstrates how the Trade increased the size of markets and the demand for valuable goods, and they traded high-quality items which are great for trading.

The countries fell into bad behavior from keeping up with the demand for land and slave labor. According to “Gold, Silver, and Slaves” Africa enslaved 4 million at the time of emancipation; meaning America needed more land to harvest, leading to more theft of land from Native Americans. ( Gold, Silver, and Slaves video). Europe displayed a few of the deadly sins- “pride greed and envy as wealth with sugar.. [and] other goods” obtained in the Triangular Trade (Aronson 63). This demonstrates how the countries fell into bad behavior from keeping up with the demand for land and slave labor; which led to them trying to fit more slaves onto one boat at a time, leading to illnesses, injuries, and even death.

The Triangular Trade had many impacts on our history, that impacted our lives today, too. The Triangular Trade increased demands for, and slave labor, which leads to greed and bad behavior. Which mainly led to people needing to keep up with the demand, increases in global trade, and the country's bad behavior.

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What Was One Negative Effect of Triangular Trade. (2023, March 01). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 11, 2024, from https://edubirdie.com/examples/what-was-one-negative-effect-of-triangular-trade/
“What Was One Negative Effect of Triangular Trade.” Edubirdie, 01 Mar. 2023, edubirdie.com/examples/what-was-one-negative-effect-of-triangular-trade/
What Was One Negative Effect of Triangular Trade. [online]. Available at: <https://edubirdie.com/examples/what-was-one-negative-effect-of-triangular-trade/> [Accessed 11 Sept. 2024].
What Was One Negative Effect of Triangular Trade [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2023 Mar 01 [cited 2024 Sept 11]. Available from: https://edubirdie.com/examples/what-was-one-negative-effect-of-triangular-trade/

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