Why Smoking Needs to Be Banned

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Did you know smoking is one of the biggest contributors to illness and death in the uk? It is hard to understand why so many people make the choice to harm their body and health for a few puffs of poisonous chemicals that have such bad consequences as smoking. Smoking is not only a national issue but a global one that causes one person to die every 6 seconds. I will explore the many reasons why it is important to ban smoking and find out why people start such a dangerous habit that can cost them their health and even their life.

Tobacco is highly addictive! Cigarettes contain nicotine which causes a rush of adrenaline and a feeling of pleasure however this only lasts a few minutes which is why people become addicted to it and start smoking regularly. From the moment nicotine is inhaled it gives the smoker enjoyment and relieves them of some of their stress and calms them down, however the more a person smokes the more dependant they become and they require more nicotine to feel pleasure from it causing an addiction to occur. A shocking 75% of people who attempt to stop smoking relapse after few months! It is a very hard addiction to overcome as smokers find it challenging to focus if they have not smoked and experience withdrawal symptoms such as anxiety, depression, struggle concentrating, feelings of frustration, trouble sleeping and so much more unpleasant feelings that make them relapse in order for them to feel 'normal' again. If it was hard for smokers to get their hands on cigarettes it would force them to quit and overcome their addiction as smoking would no longer be normalised and accepted if it was banned.

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One in ten deaths globally are caused by smoking! In Great Britain over 100,000 deaths a year are the result of smoking. Smoking contributes to illness and deaths because tobacco contains many chemicals which are poisonous and that increase the smokers chance of developing illnesses such as many types of cancer with the most common being lung cancer. However other illnesses which smoking causes or increases your chances of getting is type two diabetes, heart disease, blindness, colorectal cancer and many more serious disease. Did you know smoking also affects innocent children? You don't need to be a smoker to get all the bad things that come along with it. The consequence of second hand smoke is just as serious as if the person was a smoker.

The fact that the chances of developing lung cancers increases by 30% because of second hand smoke should make people reconsider their bad choice! It was even proven that children of smokers get ill more often so why has this horrible cancer stick not been banned already? It's time to stop endangering the health of children and other around us!

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Why Smoking Needs to Be Banned. (2022, Jun 16). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 16, 2024, from https://edubirdie.com/examples/why-smoking-needs-to-be-banned/
“Why Smoking Needs to Be Banned.” Edubirdie, 16 Jun. 2022, edubirdie.com/examples/why-smoking-needs-to-be-banned/
Why Smoking Needs to Be Banned. [online]. Available at: <https://edubirdie.com/examples/why-smoking-needs-to-be-banned/> [Accessed 16 Sept. 2024].
Why Smoking Needs to Be Banned [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Jun 16 [cited 2024 Sept 16]. Available from: https://edubirdie.com/examples/why-smoking-needs-to-be-banned/

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