Customer Relationship Management essays

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1 Page 404 Words
CRM is customer relationship management. It will be used in all industries and companies that are related to customer and database. It is a combination of applications, a database and a set of processes that can inherit all interactions that managing customers. Basically, CRM manages all interactions with customers within four phases of the customer lifecycle, they are marketing, customer...
Customer Relationship ManagementHotel
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6 Pages 2604 Words
Abstract The concept and impact of Customer Relationship Management is helpful for growth and gaining more attention in present and future business world. Through Customer Relationship Management companies are focusing on retaining their legal customers and also focus on gaining new customers. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the impact of Customer Relationship Management on loyalty of customers...
Customer Relationship Management
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3 Pages 1605 Words
Introduction Electronic Customer Relationship Management (E-CRM) is perceived as a major paradigm shift from the traditional customer relationship management approach to the application of internet-based technologies in achieving customer relationship management objectives. The use of E-CRM system enables traditional physical customer proximity to be substituted by digital proximity. E-CRM has become the latest paradigm in the world of customer relationship...
Customer Relationship Management
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1 Page 600 Words
HUCAPADJ is a service business that offers haircuts for various reasons and occasions. It is a barbershop that has been active for the past 4 years and earns an estimated amount of Php 400,000.00 per month. The business intends to purchase or develop Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software and develop and implement a customer service training program. The customer service...
Customer Relationship ManagementCustomer Service
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3 Pages 1365 Words
Quality is always in an ever-changing state. What was deemed good yesterday might not be considered good tomorrow. That means constant quality control and innovation have to be considered. There are many ways to maintain quality. Maintaining quality in the traditional sense is very different from choosing to do it with a more modern quality management system like Total Quality...
CustomerCustomer Relationship ManagementTotal Quality Management
like 371
3 Pages 1161 Words
In the business world, everyone who is involved in the business desire to get marvelous success in their perspective field. The business mind always wants to expand its business by gaining a lot of customers. The major question that arises is how to attract customers and build a good relationship with them. For every business project, a businessman prepares presentations...
CustomerCustomer Relationship Management
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2 Pages 814 Words
Content marking is a type of marketing which fixates on producing, publicizing and disbursing content for a specific target market online (Pulizzi, Joe; Barrett, Newt (February 2010), intended to accomplish: appealing to the general public extending the target market setting up and increasing sales broadening people’s knowledge of the brand building customer loyalty and customer relationships online. Content marketing is...
Content MarketingCustomer Relationship Management
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2 Pages 798 Words
Introduction In the contemporary business landscape, characterized by heightened competition and rapidly evolving consumer expectations, Customer Relationship Marketing (CRM) has emerged as a pivotal strategy for achieving sustainable business success. Companies are increasingly recognizing the importance of nurturing long-term relationships with their customers as a means to secure brand loyalty, enhance customer satisfaction, and ultimately drive profitability. CRM is not...
Customer Relationship Management
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5 Pages 2301 Words
Abstract Purpose: The Purpose of this research paper is to understand the Effectiveness of CRM initiatives on the customer loyalty and retention. Research Implications: This paper provides a preliminary understanding of the CRM marketing initiatives on the customer loyalty in the long run. Future research should use alternative methods, and verify and elaborate the findings. Findings: “In the past, many...
Customer Relationship Management
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5 Pages 2251 Words
Business organizations across the world today are keen to leverage maximum technological advantages and benefits due to the increasing use and applications of modern internet based technologies and devices by consumers globally. Exponential rise in the applications of technology across all industries and societies has revolutionized the way people communicate and think consequently generating a lasting impact on their life...
Customer Relationship ManagementEbayService Marketing
like 194
5 Pages 2329 Words
Intoduction Prada is one of the most leading luxury brands in the world and is an Italian brand known as Fratelli Prada. This luxury Brand Company was started operating in 1913 by founder Mario Prada in Milan, Italy by selling luxury and sophisticated goods such as handbags, shoe, and luxury accessories. Mario believes that women should not have a role...
Customer Relationship Management
like 432
7 Pages 2988 Words
While Netflix has not yet fundamentally altered the face of television, it has certainly expanded the definition by offering creators a new playground in which to experiment and by pushing the boundaries of what is considered commonplace. Since its inception, Netflix has been changing the ways that viewers access, control, and watch television. Founded in 1997 by Reed Hastings and...
Customer Relationship ManagementMarketing StrategyNetflix
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