Sugar Act of 1764
Quartering Act
• The duty on imported
sugar was lowered.
This made imported
molasses extremely
• Problem: Put black
market colonial
molasses producers out
of business, because
the imported was
cheaper and they could
not compete
• Colonists were legally
responsible to house
and feed British
Soldier when needed
• Problem: British
Soldiers saw the
Colonists as lower
people than they were
and were often rude. It
cost the colonists a lot
of money to care for
the soldiers. Many
colonists did not even
agree with having
British protection.
Stamp Act of 1765
• Imposed a tax on all
printed goods. Paper
had to have an ink
stamp on it to prove
that the tax was paid.
The British claimed
that it was to pay for
protection of the
• Problem: Newspapers
were extremely
important during
colonial times to
transmit ideas.
Colonists were paying
for the troops through
the Quartering Act.
Again many colonists
did not agree with
having British
protection. Declaratory Acts
Townshend Acts
Tea Act
• The law that
stated the
government was
able to make
laws that
effected the
colonies “in all
• Problem: The
colonists had no
representation in
• Laws that placed
high taxes on
popular goods
such as tea and
• Problem: These
taxes were
extremely high
and the colonists
had no say in the
process of
writing them
• Allowed the
British East India
Company to
import their tea
duty free,
making it
cheaper than tea
that was being
sold by the
• Problem: same
as the Sugar act,
it drove colonial
businesses out of
business Intolerable Acts
• Laws written in response to the Boston Tea
Party that Banned town meeting except 1
per year and suspended the
Massachusetts Court
• Problem: Stripped the colonists of what
little say that they had in government and
gave Britain the power to rule and judge
colonists without any say of the colonists
themselves. They weren’t able to plan or
discuss any plans of possible rebellion.