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BIOL 230W | Cellular Biology
COMM409 | News Media Ethics
MICRB 106 | Elementary Microbiology
MICRB 412 | Medical Microbiology
BMB 252 | Molecular and Cell Biology II
PHYS 213 | Fluids and Thermal Physics
BMB 400 | Molecular Biology of the Gene
PHYS 213 | Fluids and Thermal Physics
BMB 442 | Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
CHEM 450 | Thermodynamics
Math 231 | Calculus Severable Variables
AFR 192 | Modern African History
PSYCH 100 | Introductory Psychology
BMB 401 | General Biochemistry
BMB 251 | Molecular and Cell Biology I
NURS 100 | Nursing
MICRB 201H | Introductory Microbiology
CHE 220 | Introduction to Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics
BMB 435 | Viral Pathogenesis