Essays & Papers
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Overwhelmed by assignments? We're here to lighten your workload and help you maintain your grades
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Meet verified experts who are keen on your subject. Each writer has passed thorough checks to ensure they have the knowledge and skills to deliver exactly what you want.
Prices and services
Prices start at $13.99/page and depend on the page count, deadline, and writer's level
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Title page
Reference page
Unlimited revisions
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Grade A guarantee
from $2.99
Early draft
+15% to the price
1-Page abstract
from $13.99
VIP support
Detailed outline
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Where your assignment meets someone
who’s passionate about it
Find experts who know your subject and can help you get through your task
without the stress. They cover:
Writing assignments
Essays, research papers, creative writing, and other written tasks.
STEM assignments
Technical assignments in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.
Other projects
Presentations, case studies, lab reports, portfolios, posts, and any other tasks.
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Benefits and guarantees
Instructions are followed
Money-back is guaranteed
Deadlines are met
Confidentiality is ensured
Original content is provided
Support is available 24/7
A+ graded assignments we've done
Approved by students for publication
Your EduBirdie journey
1. Create an order
Fill out our order form to be matched with the best writers.
2. Choose a writer
Chat with the writers, compare prices, and make a choice.
3. Make a payment
The deposit will stay on your balance until the order is ready.
4. Get your paper
Read through your paper to make sure it’s just as you want it.
Thousands of reviews from happy students
Everyone in college or school faces a ton of academic papers to be done in a short period of time. How do you keep your grades and performance high? With EduBirdie paper writing service your request becomes easier and you can take off some of the academic load.
With us you can get the best essay writing service on the net. We’ll boost your results regardless of your class subject or assignment type. You can spend your time on work, hobbies or regain your sanity. With our professional writing and editing team you’ll get the assignment you deserve. Here are some of the benefits of getting papers from our assignment help service:
✍️ Professional, experienced, highly educated assignment writers and editors who are English native language |
💰Affordable rates for clients with different budgets |
⏰ Customer support available 24/7 via live chat at EduBirdie |
🎓 Flawless punctuation and grammar |
✅ Plagiarism-free |
🔐Anonymity and security |
☝️ Guaranteed delivery within deadlines |
👨🎓 Assignment expert selection |
We make requesting online assignment help simple. Whether you need help with essays or other tasks, our assignment writing service is designed to make it easy. Just go to our website, fill in your contact details and we’ll get in touch with you. The process is as follows:
We often deliver papers before the deadline. We can work in a 3-hour time frame before your deadline. Regardless of your paper’s deadline, we’ll deliver a finalized and quality work before the deadline or you can get your money back. We want you to succeed.
Can writers do my assignment even if it’s for a graduate level? Yes, here at EduBirdie our writing team has been chosen for their high academic background and lots of work experience to complete your "solve my math problems" request. Our experts have all written essays and are ready to create top-notch essays, research papers, law assignment writings, literature reviews, dissertations and help with chemistry for you.
Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you wrote papers but forgot to check for plagiarism before submitting them? Or maybe you were so busy with homework and other tasks that important details slipped through the cracks? This is common especially for international students who may not be aware of these requirements and ended up with lower grades or even failure.
In the academic world, plagiarism is very serious. And if you don’t write 100% original essay, you risk failing the assignment, being kicked out of the class or even expelled from the university. Never take that risk. When you get help from our experts, you can be sure that every paper we write is 100% original, unique and tailored to your requirements. By using our online assignment help, you are completely safe from plagiarism.
Our customer support team is available online on our website to answer any questions. Whether you need someone to write essays or help with another academic task, our staff is available 24/7. You can order online assignment help in the middle of the night and provide additional information over the weekend. Being able to reach us anytime saves you time to complete your assignment.
How much to buy assignment online? At EduBirdie we offer competitive prices so our service is available to the majority of students. Our prices start at $13.99 per page which is below the market rate. We deliver top quality papers every time and we work hard to make our business available to students who don’t have a job or a steady income. We want the price to never be a barrier to getting the help you need.
Have you ever wanted a professor to write your essay or help with an assignment? This can be reality with EduBirdie! We work with hundreds of qualified experts from all fields of science and industry to offer the best assignment help. If you need someone to write a research paper, our team of expert researchers and writers is here to assist. Every college assignment helper is English proficient as we only hire native speakers. Our writers, researchers and editors have advanced degrees and experience in various academic fields. Order now and we’ll help you with your next task!
Order any essay or paper
We cherish our clients’ privacy. You can be sure your data will never be revealed, and your paper will never appear online.
Rates depend on multiple factors, including urgency, academic level, and the writer’s proficiency. An average page of the written text on our resource will cost you from $13.99.
You can receive your assignment in as little as 3 hours! While not every task can be completed within this timeframe, we will suggest the best possible options based on your needs and urgency. Just let us know your deadline, and we'll work to get it done on time!
Absolutely! Nothing is impossible for us. Just provide all the assignment details and grading rubrics, and communicate your expectations through chat. The most suitable writer with expertise in your subject will be available to take on your task.
We have strict plagiarism policies, which means that our writers always review papers for plagiarism before submitting them. You will get a unique paper, and there will be no issues with a review of your text conducted with Turnitin.
You can chat directly with your writer throughout the process. Share your ideas, ask questions, and request updates. This collaborative approach ensures your assignment meets your expectations. Make a final review of your assignment before releasing payment and request any necessary revisions.
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Mary, Head of Support
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