Press and Media Access

At EduBirdie, we recognize the importance of media outreach to spread the message about our services and educational philosophy through unique and compelling stories. We value timely information, so our press team is committed to providing media with the resources to cover company activities effectively.

To fasten your inquiry review, make sure to include its purpose, deadlines, and any specific area of interest. We will assess your request and connect with the appropriate EduBirdie representative.

For all press and media inquiries, contact Avery Morgan, Chief Communications Officer at EduBirdie:

About Avery Morgan

With deep expertise in education and its intersection with the Internet and student-related matters, Avery joined the EduBirdie team as a Senior Editor. Soon enough, she gained the Chief Communications Officer position and became the company's spokesperson. Under Avery's leadership, EduBirdie has launched numerous projects to shed light on the alarming problem of young people's burnout. Thus, we created a series of initiatives to help junior specialists fight stress and burnout, become more productive, and achieve higher work-life balance.

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