1. If You accept the order by releasing money to the Writer;
2. In case of timely delivery of the Product, We will not be responsible for failure of the Customer to download the Product.
3. If You received a low mark (score) as We consider it to be rather a subjective notion;
4. If You are caught using Our service (You submitted or showed our Writer’s paper to your professor);
5. If You complain about plagiarism but do not provide us with a valid proof of it (Turnitin report);
6. If You simply state that You are not satisfied with your paper and do not provide a detailed reason for your dissatisfaction;
7. If your order is late because You did not provide some required information or materials on time or We could not reach You via contacts provided, then You cannot claim a refund based on lateness. Please, be advised that it is very important to provide valid contact information, including your email address and phone number, so that We can reach You when emergencies occur;
8. Excludes all liability for damages arising out of or in connection with your use of this Website. The latter includes, without limitation, damage caused to your computer, computer software, systems and programs and the data thereon, or any other direct or indirect, consequential and incidental damages;
9. Non-refundable VAS – VIP Support, Assign the Writer of your Choice, Assign the Writer of Our Choice, 1-page Abstract*, Early Draft*, Essay Outline*;
* - these services can be refunded only in case they were not provided at all by the writer;
10. Such type of paper as Math Problem and other projects requiring calculations or solving Multiple Choice Questions are not subjected to refund as using answers provided by the Writer automatically means their approval by You. However, in case there are less than 50% of correct answers to Multiple choice questions, you will need to send us a proof of the score and can be qualified for a partial refund, the amount of which is decided by Our QA team separately in each case.