The Sumerian King List
The surviving clay tablet was dated by the scribe who wrote it in the reign of King
Utukhegal of Erech (Uruk), which places it around 2125 B.C.
"After kingship had descended from heaven, Eridu became the seat of kingship. In
Eridu Aululim reigned 28,800 years as king. Alalgar reigned 36,000 years. Two kings,
reigned 64,800 years. Eridu was abandoned and its kingship was carried off to Badtabira. . . .
"Total: Five Cities, eight kings, reigned 241,200 years.
"The FLOOD then swept over. After the Flood had swept over, and kingship had
descended from heaven, Kish became the seat of Kingship. In Kish .... Total: twentythree kings, reigned 24,510 years, 3 months, 3 1/2 days. Kish was defeated; its
kingship was carried off to Eanna.
"In Eanna, Meskiaggasher, the son of (the sun god) Utu reigned as En (Priest) and
Lugal (King) 324 years--Meskiaggasher entered the sea, ascended the mountains.
Enmerkar, the son of Meskiaggasher, the king of erech who had built Erech, reigned
420 years as king. Lugalbanda, the shepherd, reigned 1,200 years. Dumuzi the
fisherman, whose city was Kua, reigned 100 years. Gilgamesh, whose father was a
nomad (?) reigned 126 years. Urnungal, the son of Gilgamesh, reigned 30 years.
Labasher reigned 9 years. Ennundaranna reigned 8 years. Meshede reigned 36 years.
Melamanna reigned 6 years. Lugalkidul reigned 36 years. Total: twelve kings, reigned
2,130 years. Erech was defeated, its kingship was carried off to Ur...."