One purpose of the film SiCKO is to get some of the facts out to the American people
about the things that are wrong with U.S. health care. Michael Moore points out that
wealthy stakeholders make huge investments to maintain a status quo which supports
excessive industry profits instead of meeting our health care needs. His premise is that,
because of those special interests, sometimes we are left with information that simply is
not true.
Affordable health care for everyone is referenced in a variety of ways in the film,
depending on the country being highlighted, or the perspective of the person speaking.
In the U.S. the terms often are used interchangeably and incorrectly, especially when
we hear reports on the Town Hall Meetings or listen to the political pundits.
Here are the different kinds of insurance referenced in the film and used in dialog about
healthcare. When analyzing facts for your paper, be sure these definitions are clear to
Universal Health Care – very simply… a health system designed to guarantee that
everyone has access to quality health care which is comprehensive and affordable (All
industrialized democracies except the U.S. have some sort of Universal Health Care.)
National Health Insurance – insurance coverage provided by a nation that guarantees
health care for all of its citizens, regardless of whether the health care is provided by
government-employed health professionals (England) or private practitioners (France,
Socialized Medicine (National Health Service) – a health system in which health care
providers are government employees, health care facilities are run by the government
and the government pays for health care services. (England; The United States
Veteran Affairs Administration . . . YES! We already have socialized medicine!!!)
Single Payer Health System - a financing mechanism for health care delivery in which
a single fund reimburses the providers of health services. (Canada; TRICARE (for
active and retired military and dependents), Medicare and Medicaid;. . , YES! We
already have Single Payer!) Note: A Single Payer health system is not an insurance
Another concept has lately been advanced:
Healthcare Cooperatives – while yet to be clearly defined, a cooperative by definition
is a jointly owned commercial enterprise (in the U.S., commonly organized by farmers or
consumers) that produces and distributes goods and services and is run for the benefit
of its owners