A Short Story: Big Talented Stars

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What about short stories? Whatever the type, the most important aspect to be addressed in writing is the character development. Out of all these, most often, the ‘Big Talented Stars’ – a combination of enthusiasm and depth of portrayals forms the character. Such creations, because of their intrinsic worth and the captivating stories associated with them, acts as the paradigm of the socio-politico-psychological milieu that exists. This essay addresses the importance and functions of such characters in the short narrative, and how they shape the plot, entice, and create a vivid cultural picture of the readers.

The Role of Big Talented Stars in Narrative Structure

In the construction of a short story, characters with exceptional talents often serve as pivotal elements around which the plot revolves. According to narrative theory, these characters, due to their distinct abilities, often drive the story's conflict and resolution. For instance, in O. Henry’s “The Last Leaf,” the character Behrman, an artist with tremendous talent, sacrifices his life to save a young woman, his artistic creation becoming the fulcrum of the story's emotional and narrative arc.

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This centrality can be attributed to the Aristotelian concept of the "tragic hero," a character whose exceptional qualities lead to their eventual downfall. While not all "Big Talented Stars" meet a tragic end, their extraordinary abilities often place them in situations of heightened tension and importance, propelling the narrative forward. Their talents set them apart from ordinary characters, creating a dynamic interplay between their internal struggles and external challenges.

Reader Engagement Through Unique Characters

The presence of "Big Talented Stars" significantly enhances reader engagement and emotional investment in the story. Research in cognitive literary studies suggests that readers form deep emotional connections with characters who exhibit exceptional skills or traits. This phenomenon can be explained by the concept of "transportation," where readers become mentally immersed in a narrative, experiencing the emotions and challenges of the characters vicariously.

A 2010 study by Green and Brock found that narratives featuring highly skilled protagonists resulted in higher levels of reader transportation compared to those with less distinctive characters. The readers’ admiration for the characters' talents, coupled with their empathetic responses to the characters' struggles, creates a profound engagement that enhances the overall impact of the story. This engagement is not merely passive; it often incites readers to reflect on their own lives, aspirations, and societal values.

Cultural Representation and Societal Reflections

"Big Talented Stars" in short stories also serve as vehicles for cultural representation and societal critique. These characters often embody the ideals, values, and conflicts prevalent in their cultural contexts. For example, in Jhumpa Lahiri’s “Interpreter of Maladies,” the character Mr. Kapasi, a talented interpreter, symbolizes the diasporic struggle of maintaining cultural identity while navigating the complexities of a multicultural world.

Moreover, these characters can reflect societal aspirations and critiques. In many stories, the exceptional talents of the characters highlight societal expectations and pressures. For instance, in Kazuo Ishiguro’s “A Village After Dark,” the protagonist’s once-celebrated oratory skills are juxtaposed with his current state of obscurity, critiquing the transient nature of fame and societal recognition. This duality offers a rich terrain for exploring themes such as ambition, identity, and the human condition.


In conclusion, "Big Talented Stars" in short stories are not merely characters with extraordinary abilities; they are integral to the narrative structure, reader engagement, and cultural representation. Through their unique talents and compelling narratives, they drive the plot, evoke deep emotional responses, and reflect societal values and conflicts. As such, these characters are pivotal in transforming short stories into powerful literary works that resonate with readers on multiple levels. Their significance extends beyond the confines of the narrative, offering insights into human nature and societal dynamics. Therefore, the study and appreciation of these characters are essential for a comprehensive understanding of the art and impact of short stories.

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A Short Story: Big Talented Stars. (2024, October 22). Edubirdie. Retrieved October 28, 2024, from https://edubirdie.com/examples/a-short-story-big-talented-stars/
“A Short Story: Big Talented Stars.” Edubirdie, 22 Oct. 2024, edubirdie.com/examples/a-short-story-big-talented-stars/
A Short Story: Big Talented Stars. [online]. Available at: <https://edubirdie.com/examples/a-short-story-big-talented-stars/> [Accessed 28 Oct. 2024].
A Short Story: Big Talented Stars [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2024 Oct 22 [cited 2024 Oct 28]. Available from: https://edubirdie.com/examples/a-short-story-big-talented-stars/

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