Chemistry essays

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Nursing And Chemistry Through My Own Eyes

3 Pages 1519 Words
I think there is a relationship between nursing and chemistry because nursing it is said to be a act and the science. And chemistry is science which shows how molecules of stuff interact with each other and the whole body of a person operate in molecular level. Which means us as nurses or as healthcare workers we need chemistry in...

The Chemistry Behind Cookies

2 Pages 1202 Words
Abstract For our project we made cookies and found out why certain ingredients affect the cookies and how they affected it. We used a basic recipe for cookies and took out one ingredient at a time flour first, then unsalted butter ,then baking soda , and lastly eggs we found out that the flour makes it a dough, the butter...

Organic Chemistry In Pharmaceutical Industry

2 Pages 1101 Words
Introduction Aromaticity is defined as a property of the conjugated cycloalkenes , which enhances amolecule's stabilization due to its ability todelocalize electrons present in the orbitals of π . For example benzene is an aromatic compound . Benzene is primarily used as an Intermediate material to produce other chemicals which is used in different fields of life . Benzene is...

The Impact Of Chemistry On Society

1 Page 631 Words
Chemistry has impacted society by a broad discipline that applies to all industries such as medicinal chemistry, environmental sciences and material science and it has also aided technological advancements and fortifying natural defence and as a result helps and impacts people and the society in many ways and on a daily basis and in the ‘past two centuries the development...

The Chemistry Of Soda

2 Pages 1035 Words
The chemistry behind soda is very interesting. Soda is made of four main ingredients: Carbonated water, high fructose corn syrup phosphoric acid and in most cases caffeine. Carbonated acids are a main part of soda they help make the fizz of the soft drink carbonated acid is made by pumping carbon gases into water (H2CO3). The carbonated acids are then...

Green Chemistry: Importance And Applications

4 Pages 1694 Words
Introduction Green chemistry can be defined as the formation of chemical products to reduce and eliminate the use of hazardous compounds. Green chemistry uses innovative research for the development of alternative green and sustainable technologies. Green chemistry is evolving branch of science that is trying to reduce and eliminate the impact of hazardous chemicals on the environment and human health....

Use Of Chemistry To Solve Problems Related To Computer Electronics And Computer Science

6 Pages 2619 Words
Computer hardware consists of physical parts of the computer which includes CPU’s (central processing units), motherboard, graphics card, CPU cooler, hard drive or SSD (solid state drive), RAM (random access memory) as well as, computer peripherals which include: monitors, computer mouse, and the keyboard. The use of chemistry makes it possible to improve computer hardware by the use of chemical...

The Benefits Of Chemistry Research

6 Pages 2709 Words
Scientific research is vital for national development and material well-being of any country especially developing nation. While lack of scientific research is often a critical limitation to economic progress, hence, the importance of chemistry research in a developing nation cannot be over emphasized. In this case, Nigeria. Chemistry research has so many economic benefits, notwithstanding the negative role chemistry research...

Organic Chemistry And Nylon

3 Pages 1536 Words
Organic chemistry is a chemical branch involved with carbon compounds and particularly carbon compounds found in living things. Originally restricted to compounds generated by living organisms, this branch of chemistry has been expanded to include human-made substances like polymers. Polymers are substances with a molecular structure that consists mainly or entirely of a large number of related units, such as...

Body Chemistry And Criminality

3 Pages 1373 Words
Abstract The elements of a crime are complex. Criminologists still argue whether the dominating cause is sociological, psychological, or something else. Additional blockade to progress is the fact that criminal violence is not a single status, but rather a diverse set of afflictions. The study controlled for a host of possible intervening factors, including gender, diet, illicit drug use, psychiatric...

The History Of Chemistry

2 Pages 821 Words
Chemistry was first found in 1661 and its first modern chemist was called Robert Boyle. Boyle worked with gases and was the first to disagree with the Greek idea of four elements in his book The Skeptical Chymist published in 1661. This theory was odd because the Greek were the first people to record their studies and come up with...

Chemistry In The Context Of Maths

1 Page 536 Words
I chose to study chemistry as part of a of a science degree with mathematics being my major area of study. Knowledge of basic maths is essential for understanding chemical processes and solving chemical problems. Stoichiometry is a great example of this as every step involves some level of maths, from balancing chemical equations to unit conversions. A strong parallel...

Chemistry Of Forensic Techniques

5 Pages 2546 Words
The chemistry in forensic techniques is very important, and is a necessity in our world today. Forensics techniques are applied in many different ways. Although it is often forgotten, every person leaves behind a small part of their individual self wherever they happen to go without even realizing it. For this reason, forensics are often the key factor in providing...

Inorganic Chemistry as the Amazing Helper

2 Pages 857 Words
We might wonder why inorganic chemistry is important. Why we should have to study inorganic chemistry? How studying inorganic chemistry helps to improve our life? Some will say, it is boring and irrelevant. Sure, it is helpful if we are a chemist but for some, studying inorganic chemistry is just waste of time. Have you ever wondered why we use...

Chemistry Behind Fireworks

2 Pages 955 Words
Have you ever wondered how fireworks actually work? Fireworks have been used for centuries as a source of entertainment, a method of communication and for religious reasons. Fireworks were invented in China. The earliest fireworks were made from hollow bamboo stalks filled with a simple chemical composition called ‘black powder’. This powder produces a small exploding reaction when ignited. In...

Chemistry And Its Effects On The Health Of Humans

2 Pages 838 Words
Chemistry plays a crucial role in keeping us healthy throughout our lifetime. Nowadays we 're living longer and healthier lives thanks to the large innovations primarily driven by the chemistry industry. The body luckily operates on its own due to the chemical reactions which are constantly occurring in our body, allowing for humans to only have the responsibility of sleeping...

Coffee And Chemistry

1 Page 412 Words
In our busy lives we have to face lots of tiresome occasions; that we really need something to overcome and create a peaceful mind. For many, a cup of coffee is a great help that relaxes the situation. Even though everyone drinks, very few are aware about the chemistry of coffee. So it’s time to look at the chemistry of...

Chemistry And Biochemistry

3 Pages 1172 Words
Introduction The rise of obesity has increased dramatically due to our lifestyle, how our food is prepared and our consumption of convenient fast food at our finger tips. In the case study that I will be discussing it’s about a 18year old male, known as John, and for his age he is overweight by 40 kilograms. His level of obesity,...

Chemistry: Hemodialysis Vs. Peritoneal Dialysis

3 Pages 1523 Words
July 2015 my father was diagnosed with stage five kidney failure and heart failure; I remember thinking these illnesses were rare. I’ve come to find out that they aren't rare at all, the sad truth is that many people all around the world suffer from kidney disease and more severely kidney failure. There are three common treatments to combat these...

Chemistry: Copper Sulphate Calibration

2 Pages 859 Words
Introduction The hypothesis for this experiment is the more concentrated a given solution is, the more light is absorbed. Through the results recorded and calculated from the practical, the hypothesis will be proved or disproved. Beer’s Law states that absorbance and concentration are directly proportional. “The Beer-Lambert equation shows that if the concentration of absorber doubles, the absorbance of the...

Green Chemistry In The Manufacture Of Drugs

4 Pages 1765 Words
Green science doesn't implies Green as a shading however a choice to the structure of compound items and procedures that decrease, limit or take out the utilization and age of unsafe substances. Green science depends on the essential or extraordinary rules that when executed right will amplify the joining of crude materials into the last items with ecologically amicable substances...

Green Chemistry: Its Role For Pollution Control And Sustainable Development & Conservation Of Biodiversity

3 Pages 1502 Words
Abstract Chemical industry represents a highly successful sector of manufacturing and a vital part of the economy in many industrialized and developing countries. The range of chemical industry is vast which makes an invaluable contribution to the quality of our lives. However, the manufacture of chemical products also leads to enormous quantities of environmentally harmful waste and the health of...

The Branches Of Chemistry

1 Page 410 Words
Chemistry is the scientific discipline involved with elements and compounds composed of atoms, molecules and ions. You know everything in universe, whatever you can see, touch, feel or smell is matter. It is about anything containing weight and occupies space. Chairs are matter, table is matter, walls, room, fan, black board, chalk, and in fact everything that is present around...

The Advent Of Modern Chemistry

2 Pages 1015 Words
Chemistry is an ever-changing field. Theories are constantly being revised and rewritten because new information has become available or a new discovery has been made. Without the founding forefathers of chemistry: Aristotle, Lavoisier, John Dalton, and others, modern chemists would be at a complete loss. Chemistry is a collaborative effort between the work of those scientists that have existed before...

Chemistry And Forensic Investigations

1 Page 638 Words
Forensic sciences and criminalistics have existed since ancient times, but until recently it was unknown. Throughout history, crimes have occurred in which there has always been an attempt to find the person responsible for applying justice. Many have been the crimes that have gone unpunished due to the absence of a science that was dedicated to solving them. It is...

Exploratory Essay on Lithium Chloride Influence on Rats in an Open-Field

3 Pages 1422 Words
Abstract Previous findings suggest that Lithium Chloride (LiCl) treats the Manic episodes of Bipolar disorder by alleviating risk-taking behavior. To alter the risk-taking behavior, Lithium chloride (LiCl) is administered and then regulated by Sodium Chloride (NaCl) intake. This experiment was conducted on rats to observe the effect of LiCl consumption on their movements. The rats were given lithium chloride and...

Essay about Periodic Table

4 Pages 1754 Words
The Periodic Table and Periodic Trends Introduction Periodic trends are plans that appear within the occasional table that lay out different viewpoints of a certain component, tallying its gauge and its electronic properties. Major occasional patterns incorporate electro-negativity, ionization imperativeness, electron enjoying, atomic clear, dissolving point, metallic character, and ionic clear. Intermittent patterns, developing from the course of activity of...

Mineral and Water Function Essay

2 Pages 856 Words
This report will investigate and explain the six essential nutrients that are required in our diet. The report will look at macronutrients which are needed in large amounts and micronutrients like vitamins and minerals which are only needed in small amounts, the report will also look at water. This report will include details such as specific structure, what role they...

Essay About Water Purification

1 Page 469 Words
Purifying seawater has many benefits. Among those include providing potable water for third world countries, adequate amounts of agricultural water supply, and the ability to use the oceanic water supply as a source of drinking water. The current methods for purifying contaminated or salinated water include reverse osmosis and distillation. Both methods are energy-intensive and costly in terms of materials...

Use Of Computer And Augmented Reality In Chemistry Teaching

3 Pages 1575 Words
Chemistry had been regarded as a difficult subject for students by many researchers, teachers, and science educators because of the abstract nature of many chemical concepts, teaching styles applied in the class, lack of teaching aids, and difficult symbolic language of chemistry. For a better understanding of its concepts, students need to visualize chemical structures and molecules in three dimensions....

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