College Students essays

63 samples in this category

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4 Pages 1661 Words
Abstract The researcher studied the correlation between the students' level of participation on campus – which was measured based on the number of organizations students partook in – with their overall campus experience and satisfaction. The data was collected through a sample of several groups of college students, and the data output was measured through a Chi-Square test. The results...
CollegeCollege Students
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5 Pages 2420 Words
Introduction Background - Student financial problem Financial problem is a situation where money worries are causing stress. However, college student has been facing financial problem lately and this problem had become a major problem for college student. Financial problem faced by student are known as they do not have enough money for their daily expenses, where money worries is causing...
Academic PerformanceCollege StudentsDebt
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1 Page 457 Words
Health Issue High levels of stress and insufficient sleep can affect a student's physical health, emotional well-being, and academic success. Stress and inadequate sleep are major obstacles to academic success for undergraduate students (Hales & Hales 2016). Short-term effects of sleep deprivation include decreased cognitive function, memory, performance, and attention (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2019). Minimizing stressors and supporting healthy coping...
College StudentsLack of SleepStress
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1 Page 648 Words
Anxiety is something that is experienced by everyone. It occurs in our everyday lives, causing us to worry and stress over the things that are happening to us. Having a busy schedule or a large workload can have considerable impacts on the amount of anxiety a person experiences. College students are expected to manage their schedules to do tasks such...
AnxietyCollege Students
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3 Pages 1259 Words
Colleges should offer other ways to help students with depression because their current ways have become ineffective and harmful towards them. The students in general most likely don’t feel comfortable coming to others for help with their problem. They also don’t know how to deal with depression on their own, therefore they create bad habits to help relieve stress. During...
College StudentsDepression
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2 Pages 916 Words
Fairleigh Dickinson University’s newspaper consists of topics college students are interested in. The newsletter includes topics on gun safety on college campus, food on college campus, and also tuition for college. Other stories from the textbook “The Norton Reader” like “Get a Knife, Get a Dog, but Get Rid of Guns”, and “College Is a Waste of time and money”,...
College Students
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2 Pages 921 Words
The selected demographic in this research paper is college students. Now more than ever, people have the resources to go to college and attain a higher level of education. Some of these resources are more financial aid which can lower the cost of college tuition for students. According to Federal Student Aid “providing more than $120 billion in federal grants,...
Case StudyCollege StudentsStress
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1 Page 681 Words
Help is what many people require at certain points in their lives. As for students, they need all the assistance they can get. This to a small extent helps them get through the bustles of college life. In addition to their studies, students tend to write essays and many assignments as part of assessments in their educational pursuits. However, only...
College EducationCollege Students
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3 Pages 1197 Words
What is an eating disorder? Is it a mental illness or is it a disease? According to the article ‘What are Eating Disorders?’ written by Ranna Parekh, she says that eating disorders are illnesses in which people experience severe disturbances, neither eating behaviors and related thoughts and emotions. Every year thousands of students are recruited to be student athletes at...
College StudentsEating Disorders
like 386
5 Pages 2064 Words
Abstract According to previous studies, gender differences are associated with self-esteem level (e.g., Aidman & Carroll, 2003; Buswell, Hyde, Kling, &Shower, 1999; Trzesniewski, Donnellan, &Robins, 2003). But few studies have examined whether males are associated with higher self-esteem levels or lower self-esteem levels. In addition, studies that examined the relationship between self-esteem level and gender differences have not examined participants...
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3 Pages 1337 Words
College drinking has become a serious issue especially kids who live on campus. Students regard drinking as part of the ‘college experience’ and tend to drink more when they attend college parties because feel they need to drink to have a good time. While drinking has become a part of college, colleges are making efforts to prevent it from continuing....
College StudentsUnderage Drinking
like 335
2 Pages 931 Words
Nearly every human feels the need to seek happiness in the most effortless way possible. If humans find true meaning, they can tolerate more than those who do not have a reason. Having true happiness can also bring good health to one’s body. Only the person will be able to determine his or her happiness. The degree of happiness within...
College DaysCollege StudentsHappiness
like 432
3 Pages 1352 Words
Suicide is the leading cause of deaths among all the deaths due to injuries. The World Health Organization has acknowledged that suicide behavior is a major global public health problem in every country, with approximately one million people dying from suicide each year [1]. The suicide rate of the college students in only one university in the south was 197,...
College StudentsSuicide
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3 Pages 1426 Words
“Critical thinking, that is, the capacity and disposition to evaluate propositions and be moved by good reasons” (Guzzo & Rosário Lima, 2018). It has been stated that as humans, critical thinking is actually very difficult despite the ability to have higher thought. Critical thinking, and processing information by good reasoning is thinking without bias and by good reasons. Humans mostly...
4 Pages 1619 Words
One day Multidisciplinary National Conference (VISHLESHAN 2019) on 'New Horizons in Commerce, Management , Humanities, Science and Technology- A gateway of opportunities for Innovations ' in collaboration with VIVA Institute of Management and Research and VIVA College with University of Mumbai. ABSTRACT The students in Night College have a day time busy schedule and want to complete their academics by...
College Students
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4 Pages 1671 Words
Abstract Past research suggested that undergraduate students experience academic stress, and on top of that they have to manage sleep. This study was performed to see if there was a correlation between sleep and stress. Stress was split into seven items: family life, academics, relationships, finances, overall health, and the total impact on their daily lives. Sleep was split into...
College StudentsSleepSleep Deprivation
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1 Page 658 Words
Procrastination and college students seem to go hand in hand. At the beginning of a new semester, almost every student makes the goal of finishing academic work on time, doing their best, and aiming for good grades. In reality, most students put off their work until the very last minute (Feeney 2014). As stated by Student Procrastination (2014), despite this...
College StudentsProcrastination
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3 Pages 1482 Words
In the modern-day NHS, where pressure on doctors is growing, the importance of both resilience and reflection is increasing. This essay will discuss how these two factors are relevant to the lives of medical students and doctors. Reflection is ‘ serious and careful thought. ’ (Cambridge dictionary, no date ) Defining reflection is quite difficult because there are many different...
College StudentsDoctorResilience
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2 Pages 835 Words
Concept to which it relates: The transition of young adults from high school to college or university can be an exciting process as well as a difficult one as many students experience severe homesickness. Homesickness is a distress caused by being separated from home. Sufferers generally report anxiety, depression and a withdrawn behavior. Student enrolled far from their respective homes...
College Students
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3 Pages 1375 Words
The first day of college my freshman year caught me completely off guard. Growing up, like most people my age, I was taken care of by my parents. Once I got on my own, I relied on my roommate, Cait. Cait has been my best friend for as long as I can remember. However, things don’t always work out. Cait...
College ExperienceCollege Students
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4 Pages 1889 Words
Chapter I Introduction 1.1. Background of the study Before proposing this research, preliminary research was conducted by the researcher towards varsity students of EFL in Indonesia University of Education. Respondents of this research were English Education students who are in their senior year, three respondents from each of two classes were chosen randomly, therefore six senior varsity students of English...
AnxietyCollege StudentsListening
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5 Pages 2105 Words
Abstract The “Pygmalion effect” usually refers to the fact that people, often children, students or employees, turn to live up to what’s expected of them and they tend to do better when treated as if they are capable of success(Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia). However, the positive teaching expectations do not necessarily lead to high student achievement. The case of the...
College StudentsPygmalionTeacher/Teaching
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7 Pages 2956 Words
A nursing student has the unique task of learning how to professionally care for another human being. But what does it mean to ‘care’? By evaluating the publications of nursing professionals trying to answer that very question, one can begin to understand that caring is a very complex action that requires several different interpretations in order to make sense. In...
CaringCollege Students
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5 Pages 2078 Words
Abstract This literature review will analyze the study of whether test anxiety interfered with how well students performed on the exam. This literature review will examine the different aspects of the study and how well it answered the question related to the study, also this review will breakdown the results within each area of the study to determine whether it...
AnxietyCollege Students
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2 Pages 918 Words
Introduction Hazing, a controversial and often dangerous practice, has been an enduring aspect of college life for centuries. While some perceive it as a rite of passage, others recognize its potential for harm. Defined as activities involving harassment, abuse, or humiliation as a method of initiation into a group, hazing has been documented in various forms across educational institutions globally....
CollegeCollege StudentsHazing
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4 Pages 1729 Words
Work ethic can be defined as the principle that hard work is intrinsically virtuous or worthy of reward. To have a good work ethic means to have a drive or desire to accomplish a goal. Stress in students can cause the development of poor work ethic as well as impactics students emotionally, physically and in some cases financially. The load...
College StudentsStudent LifeWork Ethic
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1 Page 600 Words
In this carefully demonstrated article, Marci Nathai-Balkissoon, analysis the impact of the taught module on university students’ safety attitudes. The author has experience being occupational safety and health profession. The author in this article 'defines person’s mental state pertaining to safety, which is cumulatively shaped from inputs such as experiences, observations and learning about safety, and which influences how that...
College StudentsSafetyStudent Life
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6 Pages 2741 Words
Introduction While college is often one of the best times of a person’s life, it is also often one of the most challenging. College students are under immense pressure to succeed in all of their activities while still doing well in their classes and graduating within four years. This especially holds true for collegiate athletes. Student-athletes are under constant pressure...
CollegeCollege StudentsStudent Life
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3 Pages 1505 Words
Introduction Hello student athlete. My name is Kevin Taylor and I am currently a student attending the Craig School of Business. For my sport marketing class, we must identify student athletes and help them market themselves better, so they can earn money when the Fair Pay to Play Act goes into effect January 1st, 2020. I have sought you out...
AthletesCollegeCollege Students
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