Eid essays
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One of the Muslim religious holidays is called Eid ul Fitr. It is celebrated by Muslims around the world, which begins at end of the month of Ramadan, an Islamic holy month of fasting. There are only two Muslim holidays. Eid al fitr, and eid al adha. Each is celebrated after a holy month. Eid al fitr is celebrated after...

Salat/Salah Salat is a ritual prayer that is part of the ordinary routine of Muslim. It is part of the 5 pillars of Islam, which is basically the main acts/rules that are expected from all Muslims. Approximately 1400 years old, this prayer not only allows you to speak with Allah, it is also seen as a way to connect with...

Malaysia is a Southeast Asian country with people of multiple ethnicities and diverse cultures thrive peacefully. The country recognizes Islam to be it’s official religion; while Malaysian is the national language of the country. As per the population demographics, Malaysia comprises of more than 65% Malays who are Muslims and the Islamic festivals are celebrated with great enthusiasm. Three of...