S.E. Hinton's novel *The Outsiders* explores a myriad of themes, but one that stands prominently is the theme of loyalty. This concept is intricately woven throughout the narrative, shaping the characters' relationships and driving the plot forward. Loyalty in *The Outsiders* is not simply a matter of friendship or familial bonds; it is a complex interplay of social dynamics, personal...
Introduction Forgiveness is a complex and multifaceted concept, often regarded as a pivotal element in the process of healing and reconciliation. In Daniel Black’s novel Perfect Peace, forgiveness emerges as a central theme that intricately weaves through the lives of the characters, particularly within the confines of familial relationships. The narrative delves deeply into the struggles and turmoil faced by...
Julia Alvarez, a prominent Dominican-American poet, explores nuanced themes of identity, family, and cultural heritage in her poem "Dusting." Through the lens of a seemingly simple household chore, Alvarez delves into the complex relationship between a mother and daughter, as well as the daughter's quest for individuality. This essay provides an in-depth summary of "Dusting," highlighting the central themes, literary...
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Introduction The film October Sky, directed by Joe Johnston and based on Homer Hickam's memoir Rocket Boys, is a compelling narrative that explores themes of ambition, perseverance, and the transformative power of education. Set in the coal mining town of Coalwood, West Virginia, during the late 1950s, the film centers around a group of high school boys who, inspired by...
Introduction Merck & Co., Inc., a global healthcare company, is renowned for its contributions to medical science, but perhaps one of its most commendable achievements lies in its involvement in combating river blindness. River blindness, or onchocerciasis, is a debilitating disease caused by the parasitic worm Onchocerca volvulus, which is transmitted to humans through the bites of infected blackflies. The...
Introduction Arthur Miller's "The Crucible," a dramatized and partially fictionalized account of the Salem witch trials, serves as a powerful allegory for the McCarthy era's persecution of alleged communists. Beyond its historical and political implications, the play is rife with logical fallacies that underpin the characters' actions and the community's descent into hysteria. Logical fallacies, defined as errors in reasoning...
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Elie Wiesel's Night is a seminal work in Holocaust literature, offering a harrowing account of his experiences in Nazi concentration camps. The memoir employs a variety of literary elements to convey the profound horrors and emotional turmoil of the Holocaust. These elements not only enhance the narrative but also serve to deeply engage readers, compelling them to confront the stark...
Naomi Shihab Nye's poem "Kindness" is a profound exploration of the depths of human empathy and the transformative power of compassion. The poem, which is often lauded for its simplicity and profundity, addresses the necessity of understanding sorrow in order to truly grasp the concept of kindness. Nye's work is deeply rooted in the human experience, drawing from universal emotions...
Loyalty is a central theme in William Shakespeare's play "Julius Caesar," driving the plot and shaping the characters' destinies. This essay explores various manifestations of loyalty, examining how allegiance to friends, ideals, and the state profoundly influences the narrative and the ultimate fate of the characters. Through a detailed analysis of key scenes and character interactions, the notion of loyalty...
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Introduction "Through My Eyes" is an autobiography by Ruby Bridges, detailing her experiences as the first African American child to desegregate an all-white elementary school in the South. Published in 1999, the book provides a poignant and personal perspective on the civil rights movement, offering readers a glimpse into the emotional and psychological landscape of a young girl thrust into...
Introduction In an era where information security is paramount, the role of the COMSEC Responsible Officer (CRO) becomes increasingly crucial. The CRO is tasked with safeguarding the integrity and confidentiality of communications security (COMSEC) materials and ensuring that the appropriate protocols are adhered to within an organization. This essay explores the multifaceted responsibilities of the CRO, the qualifications necessary for...
Ernesto Quiñonez's "Bodega Dreams" is an evocative narrative that provides a vivid portrayal of life in Spanish Harlem while simultaneously addressing complex themes of identity, ambition, and community. Set against the backdrop of the struggles and aspirations of Latino immigrants in New York City, the novel delves into the American Dream's promises and limitations through its protagonist, Julio "Chino" Mercado,...
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Turning to American classics, one character that is often unforgettable is Atticus Finch from Harper Lee’s harper Lee. Finch’s bravery is not a question of defending a black person, Tom Robinson, in a deeply entrenched racist’s society, undergoing a trial but maintaining his beliefs to the end, which is true moral courage. As we can see, moral courage in the...
Today, we all have gathered here to discuss how to make each moment matter; and how we can seize each day of our life. I want to share a story about a beloved old college professor whom I had adored back in college. He passed away from Lou Gehrig's disease commonly known as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis or ALS. I had...
Before Jeannette realizes about her father's excessive drinking problems she trusts him and believes in the making of a glass castle saying,“ I listened to dad's plan and tried to encourage him, hoping that what he was saying was true but was pretty sure it wasn’t”. (p171). She loses faith in him to the point where she tries to make...
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There are diverse motives why Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel is properly known. One of the matters that humans commonly don't forget approximately him is the publication he wrote in 2014, 'Why I Hope to Die at 75,' which he wrote at the same time as operating as an oncologist and bioethicist for President Obama. Some have accused him of being insane...
Children are the hope of tomorrow. They are the responsible citizens of tomorrow. The progress of society is dependent on these children. And so the health of these future citizens should be given prime importance. The emotional, social, and physical development of young children has a direct effect on their overall development and on the adult they will become. That...
The film is a documentary that was filmed by Dorothy Fadiman in 2001. After watching this 30-minute film, I have concluded it focuses on demonstrating the people of India and the issues these people face in their lifestyle. This film shows us the peacefulness of the outskirts of the Indian city, and the chain of poverty as well. Woman by...
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Prometheus Unbound, a lyrical drama depicting the resistance of Prometheus against the supreme ruler of Jupiter, was published by Percy Bysshe Shelley in the early 1800s. This drama depicted the punishment Prometheus received on a mountaintop since he gave fire to humanity. Shelley published this story in 1820, which was during a period of great social upheaval in England due...
Archbishop Desmond Tutu once said “Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness” (Harker 2). Hope is seen by most as confidence in the future, and is essential for human existence. When someone thinks of hope, they have expectations, usually to accomplish their goals. Hope is usually a desire for good to happen....
The source is about forgiveness, love, and not holding a grudge. The central basis is why this person chose this particular road to travel and what his life become if he did not change the course. The author's purpose is to remind us all that we have not always done the right things in life, but change is possible within...
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Emotions are the human act of expressing certain internal feelings. These emotions are moods or actions you show when expressing what you precisely feel. While most humans never have a perfect amount of enthusiastic passions or feelings, it’s ever thus important to express the positivity that humans can have, this positivity is displayed throughout life. It’s incredibly important to recognize...
Introduction Throughout the years of Christianity, beliefs and morals have been put down as the foundation of the religion. Some of these beliefs still stand today and are at the heart of many people around the world. This video will discuss the meanings of some of these beliefs, rituals, and practices used in Christianity and how we can put some...
What would I have done? “Forgiveness is an act of volition, and only the sufferer is qualified to make that decision”. Forgiveness requires two people, he who has done wrong and is seeking to do anything to amend their wrongs and he who is offended and willing to correct the wrong done to them. To accept an apology is to...
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The notion of imprisonment, both in a physical and psychological sense is explored in Shakespeare’s play The Tempest and also in Margaret Atwood’s postmodern novel Hagseed, which reimagines the trauma experienced by the protagonist and the challenges he must face to enable him to progress with life unhindered. In both texts, the past has manifested and shaped the present, and...
The American Dream is the hope that anyone can earn success if they work hard enough. Throughout the novel The Great Gatsby, the main character James Gatz believes that achieving the American Dream requires making money. Fitzgerald illustrates for the reader an image of Gatsby's struggle to obtain the approval and acceptance of high society and to earn the same...
Written in 1825, Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s sonnet, “Work without Hope” embodies the lively aspects of nature, as he does in numerous other sonnets, and depicts the journey one takes to achieve a goal and realize their worth. Coleridge begins the sonnet by describing an unknown natural environment, utilizing picturesque imagery. Contrasting the primarily light ideas in the first stanza, Coleridge...
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This quote is said by a very important man in this movie, Red. This quote is first of all strong because he said it and he is the man who is still hoping for a future without prison. In this scene they are all sitting at the table, eating their meal like every other day. Andy is talking about how...
The US sees itself as a unique country and as “a city upon a hill”, which means the U.S. sees itself as a beacon of hope because it accepts everyone which is in a way unique compared to other countries. The U.S. was at one point a new country with a clean slate. The U.S. had a potential that one...
Personality is a primary foundation of leader behavior and Escribá‐Esteve et.al (2012) found that leaders with personalities associated with creativity will promote creativity in the organization. Therefore, the first step to becoming a creative leader is to recognize our personalities. Whether they are positive abilities and skills or negative areas that need improvements, knowing ourselves and what we can do...