Essay about My Mother as One of the Most Important and Influential People in My Life

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Unlike most people, I was not raised in a traditional white picket fence two parent household, but instead by my very own one-of-a-kind mother. No matter how difficult life becomes for me or how chaotic things become, I have always had one person to turn to: my mother. I can go to her for advice when I'm lost and lean on her for support when I'm sad. She accepts her children and will always love and support me unconditionally, regardless of my life choices. Her compassion for others, as well as the advice she has given me over the years, has inspired me to be a better person. She isn't afraid to give me a reality check and tell me things I don't want to hear, because she knows I need to hear them. Even in my darkest moments, she always encourages me to do better and gives me hope. She helps me stay grounded and enjoy the little things in life. I'm at a loss for words when it comes to describing my mother, but one thing is certain: she is one of the most important and influential people in my life. After all, she has given me the most precious gift of all, the gift of life, and she has cared for me since the moment I was born.

Despite being in her late thirties, my mom has a youthful appearance. She is of average height with a petite build. She has straight light brown hair with blonde highlights that falls down to her shoulders and encircles her oval shaped face. Her brown eyes are as sweet as chocolate and as solid as the oak, bringing back childhood memories. Her laugh is contagious, and it can almost instantly lift anyone's spirits. She is always well-dressed, no matter where she goes. She possesses an articulate and eloquent way of speaking that commands the rooms attention.

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As I progressed in life, I became more aware of the difficulties my mother faced. The problems she experienced during her childhood, the difficulties she faced merely to receive an education, the obstacles she had while pursuing her degree, and even her present struggles. My mom didn’t come from money, or power, or anything really. My mom grew up in the Dominican Republic, in a family with very little money. She did the best with what she had been given and made something of herself. She didn’t have the financial means to attend college, all she had was her high school diploma from her school in the Dominican Republic. She did, however, find the means to further her education by joining the military. When you serve in the military for three years, the military will pay for your education expenses. While serving in the military, she met my father and the two married shortly after. She continued to pursue her education while married to my father, but an obstacle in the form of a child was on the way. Despite being pregnant and suffering from terrible morning sickness, she persisted in continuing her undergraduate studies to become a nurse. In the face of all her struggles, which included a difficult divorce, one kid while pregnant with another, she continued to pursue her degree so that she could provide for her children. Slowly but steadily, she earned her master's degree and went on to become a nurse practitioner. One of my greatest sources of inspiration is having a mother who works as hard as she does and achieve everything she sets out to do. This recollection of my mother's past motivates me to succeed and achieve all of my life's goals.

When it comes to disciplining her children, my mother can be quite strict and has no problem correcting us if we don't follow the rules. She is strong-minded and stubborn; once she gets her mind set on something, nothing can stop her. She is an independent person who does not rely on anyone or anything to make things happen for her. She is a reliable and dependable person who I know will always have my back. Strength does not always imply physical strength; in this case, it means that my mother is capable of overcoming any obstacle and coming out on top. She is sympathetic, understanding, and tolerant, and she is willing to listen to all of my problems with open arms. When I am going through a difficult time, she is compassionate and sympathizes with me and helps me come to a solution. She is truly irreplaceable.

The constant love and support that I receive from my mom makes her one of the most important people in life. I see her strength, tenacity, and intense love for her family in everything she has done for us, qualities I hope to emulate in my own life. I know I didn't always make it easy for her, but I sincerely appreciate everything she's done for me.

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Essay about My Mother as One of the Most Important and Influential People in My Life. (2023, March 01). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 26, 2024, from
“Essay about My Mother as One of the Most Important and Influential People in My Life.” Edubirdie, 01 Mar. 2023,
Essay about My Mother as One of the Most Important and Influential People in My Life. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 26 Sept. 2024].
Essay about My Mother as One of the Most Important and Influential People in My Life [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2023 Mar 01 [cited 2024 Sept 26]. Available from:

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