Essay on 'A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings' Characters

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Dear Joaquin,

I have been meaning to write this letter for a while. A series of peculiar events have occurred in the last couple of weeks and I've been trying to ignore them, but I can’t. I need to tell you.

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It all started on a cold, rainy day, when Pelayo came bursting in to my house claiming there was an old man with wings in the yard lying face down in the mud. At first sight I knew what that creature was, but I didn’t want to admit it, so I decided to take a closer look.

In many ways, he looked like a dead animal, decaying into the soil. Even his wings were filthy and covered in parasites. But he didn’t fool me, I knew that that thing was in fact an angel and had come to steal their sick son. We needed to get rid of it at once. But those poor fools didn’t listen. Pelayo and Elisanda decided to keep it captive. From then on, our normal, old town became haunted. Rumors quickly spread around town like a wildfire.

The next morning I awoke to the loud noises of a cheering crowd. Being a curious person myself I decided to look at what all the commotion was about. Can you believe that all my ignorant neighbours had surrounded the angel and were throwing food at him as if he were some sort of savior who could grant miracles? What shocked me even more was that people actually suggested he should be the leader of the world. The only other person with the decency to see through the imposter was Father Gonzaga, but even he wasn’t sure about his assumption. I felt like an adult surrounded by children. Later that day I decided to stop by Pelayo’s house and see how things were going. I wasn’t surprised to hear that their son had recovered. It was obviously the angel who was trying to harm that poor kid and now that he’s locked up, he can’t. But those wires won’t hold him for long, it’s only a matter of time before he escapes and people will realize I was correct.

As the days passed I watched the angel closely. Nothing had really changed, every day there was a new crowd of people. Every day I passed Pelayo’s house I would tell him he should have listened to me, although he ignored me as usual. At this point I thought the situation couldn’t get much worse, but once again Pelayo and Elisanda surprised me. They decided to fence the yard around the angel and charge five cents to see the angel. What type of crazy people would benefit off such a monster? Not only did I feel betrayed but I felt as if god had been betrayed.

The crowds continued to grow and Pelayo’s and Elisande’s money did too. A lot of these people came in search of help. I felt pity for them considering they didn’t know that their so called ‘savior’ was a useless angel who came to take someone’s life. Do you remember Luciana, that nice lady with leprosy who sold goods at that shop around the corner of my street? Well the other day she went there seeking a cure for her sores and a day later she woke up with sunflowers sprouting out of her skin. Would a ‘savior’ do that?

If you believe me, come and help me convince the townspeople that we must get rid of this imposter.

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Essay on ‘A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings’ Characters. (2024, August 15). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 27, 2024, from
“Essay on ‘A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings’ Characters.” Edubirdie, 15 Aug. 2024,
Essay on ‘A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings’ Characters. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 27 Sept. 2024].
Essay on ‘A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings’ Characters [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2024 Aug 15 [cited 2024 Sept 27]. Available from:

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