Essay on Disadvantages of Technology in Education

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In the modern day as today, technology is what we use in our daily day lives, and technology is used more often recently. Technology is what we use to operate these days. Many people as of today use technology for their work as well. Is very necessary to use technology and it makes our work, and social life very easy. Therefore this technology aspect helps us to manage and now the world uses it to operate. It plays positive and negative roles in our lives and also depends on how people use it. If it is used well it may have a positive influence on us, unlike if it is used negatively it will have bad influence on us. So today's technology usage has a great effect on us. There this work or essay will highlight on positive and negative of using technology in our daily lives.

According to HT Media Ltd (2014), it states the characteristics of technology certainly provide unlimited belonging while their negative influence on personal relationships may be examined methodically also it could take too long time to recognize the problem, so we should re-study the function of the technology impact on our lifestyle. (LTD, 2014).

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It can also happen that our relationship possibly may change significantly. Many people may become used to modern devices such as laptops and phones which they can use or browse the internet and connect the social networks like Instagram, Facebook, and twitter. Using social networks helps in communications very easy and accessible to connect with other people. So we can say that using technology via social networks has impact on us and is very obvious not only in our relationships by (HT Media Ltd, 2014) (LTD, 2014)

A problem may arise between families and students because this technology aspect may affect them, just not the mental health and physical problems. Family may support their children with the possibility that they will achieve their aims of study and also try to reduce the harmful aspect of stress in their life.

Other technological developments can also cause people to be down and neglected. There is always a strong relationship between education and technology. Where technology may not be necessary to a tool but also we can learn from it. It also helps us to study in areas such as research or researching because it is easily accessible and learning material can also be shared as well. These definitions of technology become used by the people who made good production of the technology device. In most regions and cities, there are no restricts or law which prevent a person from using the internet

Some rules and regulations set to protect people from using the internet may be different from the rules used on the internet. Because rules set for the people are to protect them and their privacy. We also have ways by which people use to share their information. The rules set in the internet such as privacy are set to protect theft from copying someone’s work and that same rule cannot be set in real life.

In conclusion, using modern technology in different ways in our daily lives could have a significant impact in both negative and positive ways. Therefore the link between education and using technology can make learning accessible and convenient to students, facilitators, and people in the country. They should also try to cut down cost and use it wisely for cost effectiveness.

Technology used as part of our daily activities also helps in communicate with each other and can also be used to improve the state of the country and as well as society


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Essay on Disadvantages of Technology in Education. (2024, September 10). Edubirdie. Retrieved October 19, 2024, from
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