Essay on Media and Advertising: the New Peer Pressure

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The evolution of digital technology, the growth in social media, and the immense increase in the population have resulted in teenagers today facing much pressure from school, keeping up good grades, delivering in sports, being active on social media, and hanging out with friends and family.

Being a teenager in today’s society has changed tremendously in the last years with the evolution of digital technology. It can be extremely hard to keep up in the society we live in today due to the pressure of appearances and quality of life

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For example teenagers today are in daily contact with the world through social media and all teenagers see is how to live and have “the perfect life”, or at least that is what they want you to see - an unrealistic world. How really can you have good grades, keep up with your social life, hang out with your family and friends, play sports, and be on social media when you only have 24 hours in one day?

Therefore I want to talk about the pressure of being a teenager in the 21st and how many teenagers feel pressured to keep up with school, their peers, and social media.

Shouldn’t school be fun?

Being a student should be entertaining, fun, and challenging. It should be the best years of your life. However, in today’s competitive environment, it can be extremely hard to enjoy that year because often are these years difficult and stressful.

Attending school in the twenty-first century can be difficult in many ways. Students are highly encouraged to spend quality time on homework and studying hard to have a successful future. Many students find themselves constantly under pressure from their parents to succeed academically only to secure a good job which leads to a hopefully better future. Too much time spent scrolling through social media, comparing appearances, grades, school, and jobs can cause depression and anxiety. Whether it is studying for exams, working on a group project, or completing a task, teenagers often find themselves running out of time due to other factors in their lives. Such as playing sports, being with friends and family, and of course, being active on social media. Therefore teenagers end up writing their essays the night before, handing in projects they aren’t satisfied with, or just not handing them in at all. According to Alexandra Ossola, “49 percent of students reported feeling ‘a great deal of stress’ daily. Half reported doing three or more hours of homework per night, and 26 percent noted that they had been diagnosed with depression—over four times the national average of 6 percent”.

This survey shows that the average student feels stressed daily.

Peer pressure is also something everyone deals with at some point in their life, it’s hard to avoid. Peer pressure is an extremely common issue amongst high school students especially in today’s society when everyone thrives to live the best life. Peer pressure can either be both a negative influence or a positive one, for example, peer pressure to study harder has a positive effect however peer pressure to do things you would not do in normal situations has a negative effect as it makes you do things like drink or smoke.

All teens thrive to be accepted, but in today’s society, they face more pressure now than ever to be part of the crowd and to fit in. Fitting in might mean having the latest iPhone, an expensive designer bag, or hanging out with the right people. It could also even mean using tobacco, alcohol, or drugs. A lot of teenagers feel constantly pressured by their peers. Some teenagers feel the pressure while being in school, at parties, in sports, or just when they are hanging out with their friends.

Teens try hard to fit in a particular social situation which can be stressful especially if they do not fit in. They want to be popular and have as many friends and followers as the next person. If a fellow friend has planned a house party, the temptation to drink and smoke becomes high. They have to decide whether to drink, smoke, or not do it at all. These kinds of situations can be extremely stressful because teens want to fit in and are afraid to be outcasts if they don’t follow the crowd.

Social media plays a tremendous part in teenagers' lives today and it has transformed our society. Teenagers are often glued to their laptops and phones, socializing and connecting with the world. Social media makes socializing easy and immediate and it helps people connect all over the world. There are a lot of positive aspects of social media but there is also a lot of negativity that comes with it. And the negatives often tend to feel bigger than the positives.

Even though social media has changed and helped our generation connect, it is also having an extremely bad effect on many teenagers as social media promotes “the perfect life”. Many people use social media to get informed or have conversations with other people but the way some teenagers use social media today can be very harmful to others. Teenager today spend a lot of their time behind the screen and sometimes so much time that they barely socialize. For many teenagers, socializing is hard and with it comes anxiety, so therefore social media is a helpful tool for so many teens as they can be in contact and have conversations with people through social media. However, it is making people disconnect and also making them uninterested in real life as the social media “glamorous” life is more appealing.

However, one of the biggest downfalls of social media is the constant comparison with other teenagers. Many of them get lost in comparing their lives to others when they see other teenagers promoting a certain lifestyle such as traveling, having nice things such as expensive clothes and shoes, and looking good. The pressure to be the best, look the part, or live the best life like their peers on social media can be extremely difficult and exhausting because you always feel like you need to keep up.

The other negative factor of social media that causes extreme pressure and stress is comparing likes and follows with others and your peers. The constant need to gain likes and followers can cause teens to make choices they would otherwise not make in a “normal” situation such as altering their appearance, wearing risky outfits, and engaging in negative behaviors.


Being a teenager in today’s society has changed tremendously over the years and some might say it’s getting harder to be a teenager now than it was years ago due to constant pressure to be perfect.

To conclude, teenagers today are under constant pressure to succeed not only academically and professionally, but there is also tremendous pressure to be socially active as well. There is too much time spent trying to achieve perfection when all that is desired is just to achieve. Too much time spent scrolling through social media, comparing appearances, grades, school, and jobs can cause depression and anxiety.

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Essay on Media and Advertising: the New Peer Pressure. (2024, September 10). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 27, 2024, from
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