Essay on My Best Trip

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In 2015, I had the best trip of my life. It was a trip, I can never forget. It was in the summer. This trip made me so happy because I went to states I have not been in before. In the trip, I met new people and went to new places and saw new things. I never expected the trip to be so nice, but it ended up being my best trip ever in my life so far. Why was the trip one I can never forget?

Firstly, the trip, I have being talking about was a trip to America with my family. I went with my parents and my siblings. One reason why I loved this trip so much is that, in this trip before I arrived in America, my family and I stopped by at France. It was my first time going to France, and I was in Paris. So, I found that really interesting. The main reason my family and I stopped at France was that we used the airline Air France, which was also a first for me, and we had to go to France. I was really fun experience, but I like to say, I hated the airplane food.

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Secondly, when I arrived in America, my family and I were in New York. It was my first time going to New York. I have always wanted to go to New York, and my dreams finally became a reality. My stay in New York was a nice experience. It was a good 2 weeks spent well. It went to the Statue of Liberty. My family and I also went touring, the city of New York. It was a fun experience. From New York, my family and I went to Atlanta. I was happy when I went to Atlanta because we were going to visit a family. I have looked forward to visiting the family because I have not seen them in a year. Also, my family and the family we were visiting we meant to go to Florida together and I was looking forward to it.

Lastly, the family we were visiting and my family went to Florida together. Our trip to Florida was funny and entertaining. When we arrived in Florida, we stayed in Orlando. I really loved the apartment we stayed in. When we were in Florida, we went to many places. We went shopping many times. Then one day we went to Disney World. In Disney World I had the best experience of my life. I went on so many rides. I was a really fun place to go to.

In conclusion, my trip to America was the best trip of my life. I will never forget this trip. So, this trip is indeed a trip I will never forget because I went to states I have not been in before, I went to a new country and I also visited the Statue of Liberty. So, this trip is indeed a trip I will never forget because I went to states I have not been in before, I went to a new country and I also visited the Statue of Liberty. This trip was packed with a lot of fun experiences and unforgettable memories.

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Essay on My Best Trip. (2022, December 15). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 26, 2024, from
“Essay on My Best Trip.” Edubirdie, 15 Dec. 2022,
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Essay on My Best Trip [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Dec 15 [cited 2024 Sept 26]. Available from:

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