Essay on What Is American Culture

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The fact that American culture is declining could be because most of our culture focuses on Individualism, sports, and porn. These three main topics are the reason that American culture is declining. That is what is affecting our community and our American culture.

The fact remains that our culture is so focused on self-individuality to better themselves is very prominent in today’s society most people would rather do what benefits themselves and not what benefits their community. This is explained in this quote: “Individualistic culture is a society which is characterized by individualism, which is the prioritization or emphasis, of the individual over the entire group. Individualistic cultures are oriented around the self, being independent instead of identifying with a group mentality.” This explains that our culture is very self-centered and doesn’t care about what the entire group or society wants. This is detrimental to our society for the fact that everyone wants their kids to have a future in America that isn't founded on individualistic ideals, which is where American culture is headed if nothing is done about that. Another idea is that parents give too much too soon leading their children to invest in tablets, phones, and video games. This can later on make the younger generation antisocial and glued to their electronics. The fact remains that when a parent does something that benefits only themselves their kids will learn from that and they will behave more like them only looking for what interests them and not what the community needs.

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Continuing on the sports community is a huge part of the decline of American culture because everyone is competing for something that does not affect society. Yes, when their team loses they will be mad but then after a couple of hours they will completely forget about it. The fact that sports have such a huge pay amount for the athletes competing is insane with a single player making over $100,000 in a single game in the NBA and there are 82 regular season games which add up to a lot of money for one person for a game that’s only 2 hours long. This brings a huge problem to the table that everyone focuses on being the best player so they can get that huge payout of millions of dollars a year, and even in football, there are some cases of some of the players not being able to read because all they focus on is football and football only a player named Dexter Manley was one of the players who couldn't read. “After his career in the United States ended, he revealed that he was functionally illiterate, despite having studied at Oklahoma State University for four years.”(B) which leads to another problem explained by this quote. “According to a 2009 Sports Illustrated article, 78% of National Football League (NFL) players are either bankrupt or are under financial stress within two years of retirement.” (A) This is unacceptable to have 78% of all NFL players to be in financial trouble.

In addition, The untold truth about the porn industry goes untold, long gone are the days of Playboy’s nude women, with the pornography of today so violent and so pervasive that even the New York Times wrote an article about it. Most of the websites on the internet aren't even blocked off for the younger generation, young kids could search it up in their Google browser and a thousand links will show up. “The normalization of violent sex is being passed down to future generations. We live in a culture in which it is almost impossible to shield our children from hardcore pornography” (C). Anyone could even come across it without even wanting to. For example, I would be watching a YouTube video about Cars which is completely unrelated to the topic of sex and a Trojan advertisement would come up. Sex is a private action and it should remain private and not become individuals’ entertainment. In today’s society, sex is advertised in any way, shape, or form and can be nearly impossible to avoid.

On a final thought, the topics of Individualism, sports, and porn has led to a decline in American culture. With these in mind, they all have a great impact on our generation such as how individualism makes them more antisocial and become like their parents. Also how sports take away human abilities such as reading, writing, and managing money. Finally, pornography leads to something that we can’t avoid and sex is made public and become normal in today’s society. How can we fix these issues for a better society to come?

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