Computer Engineering Essay

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Computer engineering merges together with computer science and electrical engineering to further developments in digital technology, computer networking and computer system. Computer engineers design, and develop technological devices. It is a combination of skills in hardware and software.

With a growing, insatiable desire for technological advancements – both by businesses and consumers alike – the need of trained, skilled and qualified computer engineering professionals seems to know no boundaries. An extensive college education that will take four to seven years to complete is a requirement for becoming a credited computer engineer.

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A person must earn a bachelor's degree in order to become a computer engineer. To complete a comprehensive education, students must have bachelor degree programs while focusing their studies in either software or hardware specializations.

Professional certifications and credentials in computer engineering build and balance upon the knowledge and skills developed during a degree program. The intent of credentials is to establish technical proficiency in a certain aspect of the computer engineering profession. There are three types of computer engineering certifications: vendor-specific, vendor-neutral and general. Examples of these are: Master Certification, Cisco, AAE, and MCSE.

According to the National Workforce Center for Emerging Technologies, computer engineers must have a combination of soft, employability skills in addition to technical knowledge. These soft skills include critical thinking, communication, and time management. Computer engineers must be detail-oriented, strong communicators, logical thinkers, analytical, and excellent problem solvers. Computer engineering opens the door to multiple employment paths, from networking to systems development and web development to information technology.

These are some reasons to keep a career on the cutting edge and marketable in any business environment for computer engineering. According to Kathford University, the digital age and computer programmers have infiltrated every facet of people nowadays. Computer engineers make people’s lives easy with everyday innovation.

Studying computer engineering widens one’s creativity and provides easy solutions to a certain problem. Computer-related jobs are the highest in number in terms of availability. Astoundingly, they are among the highest paying jobs in the world. Computer engineers has an excellent job satisfaction. Freedom and flexibility of work are the two major reasons that they are provided with. Computer engineering is about much more than programming itself. It is also about inventing and building solutions.

The benefits of computer engineering as a career include great pay, job security and innovation. Computer and information technology positions pay extremely well. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics estimated a median income of $84, 580 for these positions in 2017, which is more double the national average. Those with a bachelor’s degree, such as network architects, programmers, system analysts, hardware engineers and software developers, earn between $82,000 and $104,000 in the same year.

Most computer engineers have incredible job security compared to other professions. These jobs have been in demand for over 20 years, and there is no sign that this will slow down in the near future. Because computers and technology are constantly changing, and standards are continuously being updated, most people who work in this field, must keep learning to make certain that their skills don’t become outdated.

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Computer Engineering Essay. (2022, September 01). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 26, 2024, from
“Computer Engineering Essay.” Edubirdie, 01 Sept. 2022,
Computer Engineering Essay. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 26 Sept. 2024].
Computer Engineering Essay [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Sept 01 [cited 2024 Sept 26]. Available from:

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