Essay on Why Technology Is Dangerous

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Is there any area or field that technology has not touched upon? No. technology has invaded all the fields in the lives of human beings. Medical, education, manufacturing industry, service industry, marketing, finance and there is an endless mention that will keep going on.

In the field of education, technology has brought transformation in ways of online learning, digital courses, and automation in student financial aid processing. A lot of universities and institutions have wholly incorporated technology into their campuses.

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The University of Florida, University of Illinois, Saint Leo University Online, Central Michigan University, Bryan University, and Strayer University are exclusive examples of technology-integrated institutions, that offer diverse online courses and financial aid for students.

Institutions introduced Gaming, Artificial Intelligence analysis, Behavioral analysis, Digital course material, Moodle, Blockchain, Virtual Reality, and Digital Assessments in classroom learning with a mission of integrating technology into education.

Strayer University financial aid, Bryan University Financial Aid, and Strayer University financial aid are comprised of information relating to various tools of student financial aid for pursuing online courses.

In the field of medicine, technology is used to perform various tools for complex surgeries (these are widely known as Robotic Surgeries), wireless brain sensors, artificial organs ( to replace the original faulty organs), health wearables ( to keep track of our health, health wearables are very significant for people suffering from diabetes and cardiovascular diseases), etc.

In the field of finance, online banking, fraud detection, blockchain public ledger, and 24/7 customer service are the various innovations emerging with technological assistance.

In the service industry, the Cloud is dominantly used by the IT industry, the engineering field uses augmented reality, vendor websites use Chatbots for customers, virtual reality, and the internet of things.

The field of marketing has evolved since the beginning, in this era of technology, digital marketing, account-based marketing, content marketing, and social media marketing are some of the modes to which technology has contributed.

Research revealed that internet users perceived the evolution of technology as a very advantageous aspect. While few internet users pointed out the personal and societal impact of technology. There were three different perspectives discovered about technology-saturated lives. The advantages, disadvantages, and measures to offset the potential dangers of a technology driven lifestyle.

The Benefits of technology-saturated lives:

Global connectivity - Technology has enhanced global connectivity, individuals can interact and connect to others beyond national boundaries, for business relations, sharing information, trade, expansion of business, keeping in contact with loved ones residing abroad, etc.

Commerce - Trade and commerce have expanded internationally, technology has helped the development and rapid growth of e-commerce.

Educational Resources in Abundance- Information resources are available abundantly, unlike ages ago. Research can be conducted more easily than before because of the availability of sources. Professors believe that this aspect of technology will help many aspirants in career and academic growth.

Other benefits of technology are speed and efficiency, automation, storage, diverse sharing opportunities, and connectivity.

Threat to human life:

Isolation is a result of invading technology, people are more into mobile devices and heavy usage of social media over phones, etc., this leads to a drastic decrease in human interaction, and social relationships have lost their essence. Individuals are losing out on relationships with actual people

Individuals are suffering from addiction disorders, and physical and mental health complexities due to tech-saturated living.

Since everything is available on the internet, students do not want to put in effort to derive solutions, this has risked the analytical and critical thinking skills of human beings.

Other disadvantages are unemployment and job insecurity (as machines are replacing human intelligence), data breaches, issues relating to privacy, over-dependence on gadgets, terrorism ( terrorist groups popularising themselves on social media), etc.

Remedies :

Every aspect on earth comes with merits and demerits, human beings should perceive in the same manner about technology. Technology comprises benefits as well as dangers, when used excessively it can cause danger.

Parents should monitor their children while giving them access to mobile devices and social media apps. Irrespective of what age group the individual belongs to, everyone should abstain from getting addicted to gaming and social media.

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Essay on Why Technology Is Dangerous. (2024, September 10). Edubirdie. Retrieved October 19, 2024, from
“Essay on Why Technology Is Dangerous.” Edubirdie, 10 Sept. 2024,
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