Let's Put Pornography Back in the Closet: Argumentative Essay

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The increased use and access to pornographic information on the site has negative effects on the online Community

People affected: Teenagers, adults, women, men, girls, boys, and old age populations

Introduction of the Company

Two hats’ objective is to protect online communities from harmful content. Because the company believes in a world free of online bullying, harassment, and child exploitation. For the last five years, the company has been building systems that detect high-risk content for online games, social networks, messaging apps, and more. Using the latest technology and advances in artificial intelligence, the company helps online communities reach their full potential and become spaces where everyone can share without fear of harassment or abuse. The company was founded to protect users of all ages in online communities, and Image Analyzer also develops technology that automatically detects and blocks harmful visual content.

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The increased use of pornographic words and constant provision of pornographic-related information including links to pornographic sites impacts negatively online consumers impacting negatively on morals. Using this site and access to pornographic information leads to addiction, causes distractions, wastes time, and destroys marriages. This white paper clearly highlights that Google should check for this site and moderate it.

The opinion of most people today is that pornography is harmless and that there are no real harmful effects that result from it. The truth is, we all can be affected by pornography, and the sexual messages our society is exposed to. Pornography and the messages it conveys have a direct effect on shaping attitudes and encouraging behavior that can harm, not only individuals who view it but also their families as well. Pornography is often viewed in secret, which creates deception within marriages that can lead to divorce in some cases. We are currently living in a world dominated on many fronts by the Internet. For some people, the Internet is their primary means of life – they communicate solely by e-mail, instant messages, and message boards, they shop online, and they meet new people in Internet chat rooms. For this group of individuals, communication with the outside world is limited to the daily routine of work. As a result, the Internet is altering patterns of social communication and interpersonal relationships. This is nowhere more true than in the field of sexuality. Furthermore, sex is the most frequently used search term on the Internet today.

The current law on pornography in America is that anyone under the age of eighteen who accesses pornographic material is subject to persecution. There are many arguments on both sides of the debate, including a modified age for legal pornography access. This argument emphasizes the fact that if we want to be a truly free country, there should be no limitations on what we watch. Some may argue that pornographic material can very negatively affect the mental development of a young child, but I argue that it should be up to Google to regulate and monitor the pornographic content which is detrimental on the internet.

Internet pornography is not only on a large scale but it is also easily accessible to children. Teenagers use the Internet an average of 8.5 hours per week for chatting and e-mailing, compared to 1.8 hours spent using it for school work. An estimated 18.8 million children under 18 have access to home computers and internet usage. In August 1997, there were 72,000 sexually explicit sites on the Internet, and an estimated 266 new porn sites every day (Mousses & Finkenauer, 2015). The vast majority of Americans believe a ban on Internet pornography should be legal. However, we now have no legal means to protect children from sexually explicit material on the Internet. The door has been flung open wide for pornographers and sexual predators. “Pornography is influencing everything from how teens language and frame sexuality to how and why they pierce certain body parts to what they expect to give and receive in intimate relationships, after all, how bad can it be if the large culture around you finds abusive and demeaning acts a turn on?” Researchers have found that pornography (especially violent pornography) can produce an array of undesirable effects such as rape and sexual coercion.

Dr. Victor B. Cline, a psychotherapist specializing in sexual addiction, argues that massive exposure, such as to the Internet, will cause irreparable damage to society. Cline states that pornography, for all intents and purposes, should be treated as a drug. Cline has treated 350 people with this sexual illness and reports that [once involved in pornographic materials, they kept coming back for more.' Cline suggests that with the availability of pornography reaching these great proportions, that we can expect to see an increase in sexual deviance and sexual illness. Cline next goes on to explain the steps an addict goes through to become a sexual deviant. First, the person becomes addicted. Secondly, there is an 'escalation' of the addiction in which the person becomes engulfed in pornography, even to the point of preferring masturbation to pornography over actual sexual contact. Third, there is a process of 'desensitization' which allows acceptance of horrific sexual acts as the norm. Fourth is the 'acting out sexually' phase in which a person no longer achieves satisfaction from the pornography, and in turn, acts upon fantasies, usually based on pornography (Mousses & Finkenauer, 2015).

Cline's main concern is that with the ease of availability of this type of material, more examples of sexual addiction will occur, not only with adults but also with children who will be able to 'start out' at an early age (Beyens & Eggermont, 2015). This fear is substantiated by the number of pornographic sites with ease of accessibility. With all sides of this issue having their separate reasons to either keep or ban pornography, each makes their case with facts. Pornography is an issue that is difficult to take a side in. People for pornography, or against censorship, state that there is no real reason for this ban. They cite that parental controls and attempts to keep pornography from children are good enough reasons to allow for pornography. However, anti-pornography groups argue that not enough is being done to keep pornography from children, and furthermore, that pornography affects adults just as much as it does children.

http://www.toxicsocial.com/ also engages in cybersex which is a virtual sex encounter in which two or more persons connected remotely via a computer network send each other sexually explicit messages describing a sexual experience. It is a form of sexual role play in which the participants pretend they are having actual sex. In one form, this fantasy sex is accomplished by the participants describing their actions and responding to their chat partners in a mostly written form designed to stimulate their own sexual feelings and fantasies. This always leads to masturbation because cybersex users vary in how much they engage in internet sexual behavior, and in their reasons for doing so. As outlined in the book, 'In the Shadows of the Net: Breaking Free of Compulsive Online Sexual Behavior' by Patrick Carnes et al, one way to categorize types of cybersex users is according to these five major groups. Group 1: Recreational Users -Appropriate This group of cybersex users is able to occasionally explore sex on the internet without problems. They might use cybersex to enhance their sexual experiences. They are able to enjoy intimate sexual relationships in the real world and have a healthy attitude toward sexuality. Group 2: Recreational Users -- Inappropriate This group of cybersex users can also access internet sex without compulsive use but may use this material inappropriately. This could include showing sexual images to other people for amusement or shock value, causing unintentional embarrassment. Such users do not keep their activities secret, and may otherwise have a healthy attitude towards sexuality and relationships. Group 3: Problematic Users -- Discovery Group This group has not had any past problems with online or other sexual behavior (MacInnis & Hodson, 2015). They may be using the internet as a way to explore sexuality in a way that normal life has not offered them.

The issue of pornography is just as controversial as the abortion debate and very similar in many respects. Both sides have strong feelings on what definitions are used, what is morally correct, and the causality of pornography. During this day and age, younger generations seem to be becoming more dependent on the Internet to perform basic everyday tasks. Whether it is shopping, calculating numbers, typing papers, or communicating, the Internet is being used increasingly. It has expanded to the point where you are able to access the Internet not only from computers but cell phones, tablets, iPods, and TVs making it extremely accessible from any location. Though convenience can be a great thing at times, it can also be an extremely dangerous tool for anybody not using it correctly. With children and teens quickly becoming more social online via chat rooms, blogs, and different social networking sites such as http://www.toxicsocial.com/ parents are doing one of two things. They are becoming more involved with monitoring their kids; or they are backing off and leaving them alone due to unfamiliarity with the websites, thinking their children know what they are doing. Most likely, parents are so blinded by all the benefits of the Internet; they do not even see how detrimental it can be to their kids. While the Internet is a great resource for students, parents need to be aware that their children are at risk of falling prey to online predators and should take precautions (Dane back & Ježek, 2018). There is no clear-cut answer, however, this white paper clearly highlights that Google should check for this site and moderate it. It is now up to it to make a decision and set precedent for the rest of the world.


  1. Daneback, K., Ševčíková, A., & Ježek, S. (2018). Exposure to online sexual materials in adolescence and desensitization to sexual content. Sexologies, 27(3), e71-e76.
  2. MacInnis, C. C., & Hodson, G. (2015). Do American states with more religious or conservative populations search more for sexual content on Google? Archives of Sexual Behavior, 44(1), 137-147.
  3. Muusses, L. D., Kerkhof, P., & Finkenauer, C. (2015). Internet pornography and relationship quality: A longitudinal study of within and between partner effects of adjustment, sexual satisfaction and sexually explicit internet material among newly-weds. Computers in Human Behavior, 45, 77-84.
  4. Michie, E. B., & Bernstein, S. D. (2016). Introduction Varieties of Vulgarity. In Victorian Vulgarity (pp. 13-26). Routledge.
  5. Zimmerman, A. G., & Ybarra, G. J. (2016). Online aggression: The influences of anonymity and social modeling. Psychology of Popular Media Culture, 5(2), 181.
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