Life Changing Health Benefits Of CBD For Seniors

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What is CBD? Where is it found? Is it safe? CBD is short for Cannabidiol. This is a compound found in marijuana. It is the non psychoactive part of marijuana and does not have any effect on the consciousness levels of the user unlike its counterpart found in marijuana which is THC or tetrahydrocannabinol. In relatively monitored doses, CBD is said to be safe and most of its health benefits are for Seniors. THC is responsible for the “getting high” feeling associated with marijuana and not CBD.

Unlike other ways of taking marijuana like smoking, CBD comes in the forms of oils, gels, creams, edible forms etc. Also the side effects associated with marijuana smoking are not attributed to CBD.

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Health benefits of CBD for Seniors


Glaucoma is a disease which affects people in the age group of 40-80 and its prevalence rate is 3.54%. It is one of the leading causes of blindness worldwide. Hence, the treatment is necessary. The pressure inside the eye increases in the eye in this disease known as intraocular pressure which affects the eyesight and even causes blindness. Cannabis is known to help reduce this intraocular pressure thereby, helping people to recover from glaucoma. Evidence suggests upto 25% recovery in glaucoma due to CBD and its effects on reducing intraocular pressure.

Sleep issues

One of the most troublesome issues as we get older, is getting a peaceful sleep. Many elders struggle with sleep and this can lead to many neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimers and Parkinson’s to name a few. A good night’s sleep has more importance than most people can imagine. CBD has one of its benefits in replacing sleeping pills without causing dependency or other side effects of sleeping pills.

Pain relief

There is proven evidence of cannabis helping in arthritis and joint pains. Instead of the prescribed medication which can have side effects in the long run, CBD can be used. Also, CBD is easier to use as it comes in the form of oils and creams too which can be applied to the site of pain or swelling without taking any oral ingestive medicine. Thereby, greatly reducing the side effects.

Replaces the use of Prescription Drugs

The use of prescription drugs which are generally given to treat diseases in the elderly, can cause some serious damage as the already weakened body due to ageing cannot handle the side effects like organ damage, liver damage etc. Instead of the use of these drugs, many of the diseases can be treated with the use of CBD.


One of the problems when dealing with seniors is the issue of appetite which gets highly lowered with increasing age. Eating healthy and nutritious food in the quantity which is needed on a daily basis is very necessary. If the food is not proper, there can be weight loss, tissue weakening and mental issues. CBD also has a stimulating effect on the appetite of the elderly.


In conclusion, it can be said that there are many documented health benefits of CBD. Many researches are being conducted for the medicinal uses of CBD but all this should be used in moderation, needed doses as prescribed by your physician to avoid any ill-effects.


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Life Changing Health Benefits Of CBD For Seniors. (2022, February 17). Edubirdie. Retrieved June 30, 2024, from
“Life Changing Health Benefits Of CBD For Seniors.” Edubirdie, 17 Feb. 2022,
Life Changing Health Benefits Of CBD For Seniors. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 30 Jun. 2024].
Life Changing Health Benefits Of CBD For Seniors [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Feb 17 [cited 2024 Jun 30]. Available from:

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