Microorganisms essays

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3 Pages 1426 Words
Prokaryotic organisms are known as the single-celled organisms that lack a cell nucleus, and their DNA floats freely in the cell cytoplasm. For a protein to be synthesized, both processes of transcription and translation almost occur simultaneously. When the resulting protein is no longer needed, the transcription process stops. As a result, the primary method to control what type of...
4 Pages 1924 Words
ABSTRACT Most microorganisms on Earth live in various aggregates which are generally termed “Bio films”. They present and represent the most successful form of life. They are the active agents in bio filtration and carriers of the self-cleaning potential in soils, sediments and water. They are also common in surfaces in technical systems where they sometimes cause bio fouling. In...
4 Pages 2033 Words
Microorganisms are very tiny organisms that has a great impact in life activities. These microorganisms have been a subject of research and more of microbial functions are yet to be discovered. The aim of this essay is to explore the classification, structure and functions of microorganisms, Microbial growth with growth curves and factors that affects microbial survival and lastly, the...
9 Pages 4264 Words
Abstract Alzheimer’s Disease is relevant among most of the world’s population today. It is a disease that effects the cognitive function, memory, and language in an individual’s daily life. Now Alzheimer’s Disease has no cure, is untreatable, and the most significant cause is not really known. Also, traditional methods of diagnosing and care are not that efficient. Researchers have been...
1 Page 650 Words
Currently scientist and doctors are working together to build a bridge between the potential connection that is associated with microbes and Alzheimer’s disease. At this moment, there is no cure for this irreversible, progressive brain disorder. This disorder slowly destroys the memory’s ability to retain and remember information as well as thinking skills, and eventually as it progresses it affects...
5 Pages 2187 Words
Introduction The evolutionary relationships between organisms are explored by Phylogenetic analysis and it is the vital foundation in microbial studies. In characterizing new pathogens and developing new treatments in biomedicine, development of reliable phylogenetic trees is an important step. The universal phylogenetic tree represents the evolutionary relationships among the three domains of life— Bacteria, Archaea, and Eucarya. In the bacterial...
2 Pages 932 Words
INTRODUCTION Microorganisms have been used for preparing food products like bread, yogurt, coward, alcohol-dependent drinkable, cheese, etc, for a very long time. The first genetically modified plant was produced in 1983, using an antibiotic drug-resistant tobacco plant. In 1994, the transgenic Flavor Saver tomato was released. The modification allowed the tomato to delay ageing after picking. In the early 1990s,...
1 Page 433 Words
Viruses are the smallest microorganisms in life and cannot be seen by naked eyes or with light microscopy. They are considered as a contagious agent that is only regenerated within the host cells of other living organizations and can infect all living organisms in the earth, from animals and plants to microorganisms, including bacteria and the archaea. Viruses can be...
2 Pages 1079 Words
Introduction Marine microbes comprises an extensive and diverse assortment of bacteria, virus, protists and fungi. They exist from the surface of water to the bottom of the ocean, the abyssal depths from the coastal to the offshore regions as well as the blue waters of coral reefs, hot thermal vents, estuaries, mangroves and lagoons. The bacterial domain in constituted by...
4 Pages 1857 Words
Soap comes in many varieties and forms that vary to serve its different purposes such as disinfecting the hands through proper Handwashing with proper duration and friction as skin is always exposed to different foreign influences that allow diverse communities of microorganisms to inhabit and remain in contact to humans that can be very detrimental to health. It is also...
6 Pages 2621 Words
Abstract The biopesticide sector is rapidly experiencing a significant growth by introducing biopesticidal product in the global market. The number of micro-organisms is included in the taxonomy of Microbial Biopesticides which include baculoviruses, fungi, nematodes, and bacteria. Few decades ago, with the use of microbial species, and entomopathogenic bacterium a new microbial species have been discovered with particular virulence factors...
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