Narcissistic And Covenant Leadership

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Narcissistic pioneers can be found since until the end of time. Their sort of organization when in doubt exhibits convincing yet at an inconceivable cost. Their self-obsession and loss of situational care will as a rule lead to disharmony among their companions and subordinates in the end inciting their end. On the other hand, a covenantal-style pioneer revolves around structure relationship with their people and ensuring the life expectancy of their fundamental objective or targets. Both the narcissistic and covenantal authority styles will be watched and evaluated for life expectancy and movement.

T.S. Eliot once communicated 'A huge segment of the harm that is done in this world is a result of people who need to feel huge. They don't mean to do hurt, yet the harm doesn't interest them. Or then again they don't see it, or they legitimize it since they are up to speed in the unending fight to have an ideal assessment of themselves' (The Cocktail Party, 1949).

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Narcissism can pursue its sources back to Greek old stories. As shown by legend, a young Greek man named Narcissus was incredibly enthralled by his appearance in a pool of water. His obsession over the long haul provoked his going, as he tested not to get some distance from his own one of a kind greatness. Finally his passing was by his own one of a kind hand, yet then absolutely avoidable.

'Whoever disconnects himself searches for his own one of a kind aching; he breaks out against all strong judgment. A stunt condemns seeing, yet just in imparting his supposition. Right when devilishness comes, despise comes in like manner, and with lack of regard comes disapproval' (Proverbs 18:1-3, English Standard Version).

Different famous narcissistic pioneers can be found from the earliest starting point of time. Alexander the Great, Henry the VIII, Napoleon Bonaparte, and Adolph Hilter are a segment of the more eminent. Alexander the Great accumulated immense militaries to douse his crave greatness and triumph. Henry the VIII married on various events to consider a male recipient to his hurled for his own one of a kind increment. Because of his opposing characteristics to make up for his size and low certainty, Napoleon Bonaparte as of now has a complex named after him. Adolf Hitler is seen as one of most savage and harmful pioneers of the twentieth century. In his main goal to shape a dominating race he submitted butcher against the Jewish people, killed a colossal number of different people and started World War II.

The Mayo Clinic describes narcissistic character issue as a perspective in which people have their own one of a kind extended inclination hugeness, a significant necessity for over the top thought and respect, bother associations, and a nonappearance of sympathy for other individuals. There are different complexities related with narcissistic character issue to include: inconveniences seeing somebody, work, or school, distress, uneasiness, substance abuse, medicinal issues, or reckless tendencies. Ong, Roberts, Arthur, Woodman, and Akehurst (2016) use the chocolate cake likeness to entertainingly delineate what it takes after to be driven by a narcissistic pioneer.

The essential eat of chocolate cake is commonly affluent in flavor and surface, and incredibly fulfilling. At some point or another, nevertheless, the richness of this flavor makes one feel logically debilitated. Being driven by a narcissist could be a tantamount experience: Narcissists may from the outset be viewed as amazing pioneers, yet these positive acknowledgments may lessen after some time.

Rosenthal and Pittinsky (2006) depict narcissistic pioneers having 'gaudy conviction systems and activity styles, and are generally prodded by their prerequisites for power and worship rather than thoughtful stress for the constituents and foundations they lead' (p.637). Additionally, Stein (2013) echoes this supposition and portrays narcissistic pioneers as having different crucial components that prompts narcissism. These segments include: engaging with the estimation of pointlessness, fighting with issues of dependence, in conclusion and specifically doing combating with their own one of a kind inclination confidence. Ouimet (2010) references clear narcissism from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders as a learning into narcissistic pioneers. A narcissistic-style pioneer may demonstrate a couple or these qualities, anyway are not confined to the recently referenced:

  • A blustering sentiment of gaudiness;
  • Overwhelming dreams of unfathomable accomplishment, power, greatness or impeccable love
  • A conviction that they are exceptional and stand-out and that they should be appreciated by various individuals or impulses of similar predominant status
  • A superfluous prerequisite for regard
  • A sentiment of benefit
  • A liking to abuse others to achieve their own terminations
  • A nonappearance of empathy towards others
  • A huge envy of other and a conviction that others are envious of them
  • A tendency to demonstrate vainglorious or haughty manners and practices

While narcissistic authority is fundamentally tossed in a negative light, there are a couple of upsides and drawbacks of a narcissistic pioneer. As shown by Braun (2017) narcissistic pioneers will undoubtedly be attractive figures, pass on feasibly, perform well when given the opportunity, or put time and money into new progresses. While in spite of all that they may make an individual increment from their time and tries, narcissistic pioneers help advance improvement and change in their overall population or affiliations.

Maccoby (2004) portrays some narcissistic pioneers as being talented and prepared to see the all-inclusive strategy and find significance in an advancing world. They can be brave people and extremely useful people to an affiliation. They will when all is said in done need to consider everything that direct impacts their life, business, or brief condition. While this may seem, by all accounts, to be fairly ridiculous, narcissists ensure that their incorporates are working viably, and if not, right the issue. This searches useful for narcissistic pioneers. They have inclination to guarantee everything and everyone is making a real appearing. Fatfouta (2018) portrays narcissistic pioneers as confident, able, and approachable in unobtrusive amounts. They are able at convincing others that their contemplations are better, paying little respect to whether they are or not, because of the fervor foreseen by the pioneer.

Rather than the narcissistic organization is the understanding activity style. What is a promise style of organization? Moisan (2004) describes the probability of an understanding:

A promise is relationship reliant on shared trust, respect, characteristics and obligation in which in any event two people are eagerly bound together by an average and good reason. That expectation is more noteworthy and more huge than any one individual, and it gives significance and need to everyone included. (p.1527)

Caldwell and Hasan (2016) portray a segment of the significant properties of understandings used by covenantal pioneers. Understandings should be:

  • Open-completed and underscore regular commitment
  • Whole deal in nature, routinely expected to continue uncertainly
  • Mindful of human genuineness
  • Proposed to ensure the character, uniqueness, and personhood of the individuals.

This style of organization includes the good and great obligations of a pioneer's concurrence with their companions and subordinates. Caldwell and Hasan (2016) further develop model that covenantal pioneers should seek after:

  • Pioneers serve others
  • Pioneers are models
  • Pioneers ceaselessly instruct
  • Pioneers look for after truth
  • Pioneers draw in others

These are extraordinary character qualities for covenantal pioneers. The Bible educates us how pick incredible pioneers with the objective that they can manage little issues before they develop into greater issues.

Furthermore, scan for able men from all of the people, men who fear God, who are reliable and hate a fix, and spot such men over the people as head of thousands, of hundreds, of fifties, and of tens. Additionally, let them judge the people reliably. Each phenomenal issue they will bring to you, yet any little issue they will pick themselves. So it will be less complex for you, and they will bear the weight with you (Exodus 18:21-22, ESV).

Moisan (2011) depicts the agreement between a pioneer and their disciples as a relationship wherein the pioneer and those being driven are related and truly busy with journey for fundamental purposes. The bond between the pioneer and enthusiast is an option that is other than an understanding; it is a picture of regular affirmation.

Regardless of the way that narcissistic pioneers may from the start be incredible pioneers, they themselves may be the establishment of an issue and charge their companions or subordinates. Xiao, Liu, Zhou, and Chen (2018) depict how narcissistic organization can unfavorably impact the workplace condition and ruin picking up sharing among colleagues and subordinates.

Narcissistic pioneers couldn't think less about the solicitations of subordinates, and consistently stunt, put down, mistreat, or hurt them, along these lines crushing the social exchange associations of delegates with their pioneers. Right when this occurs, laborers are presumably not going to repay their pioneers with extrarole getting the hang of sharing behavior since agents will respond unfavorably to their pioneers when they are managed ridiculously. (p.1319)

The Bible teaches us that we should be unassuming and think about ourselves before pointing out someone else's deformity or stumble. A better than average pioneer should know about their allies and subordinates and be postponed to reprimand.

'For what reason do you see the recognize that is in your kin's eye, yet don't see the log that is in your own eye? Or then again in what capacity may you say to your sibling. 'Allow me to expel the spot from your eye', when there is the sign in your own one of a kind eye? You scoundrel, first expel the log from your very own eye, and they ou will see doubtlessly to expel the bit from your kin's eye' (Matthew 7:3-5, ESV).

On the other hand, however a narcissistic pioneer considers himself to be most critical, an understanding style pioneer puts their kinfolk first and empowers others. Fischer and Schultz (2017) explain how understanding pioneers see themselves as and their people usually mindful. 'In a covenantal relationship, each social event contemplates it commonplace and qualified to relinquish one's close to home issues for a mutual target or reason.' The agreements between a pioneer and specialist in the workplace are to be focused on. Wessels (2010) takes a gander at the vows between a pioneer and laborer to be focused on correspondingly as those among man and God. Understandings are not made daintily and must be clung to all detriment. Making trust empowers laborers to think greater and see the 10,000 foot see. This furthermore grows correspondence among partners and pioneers (Fischer, 2016). Trust between a pioneer and laborer is hard earned and viably lost.

Establishing change from a narcissistic-style position to an understanding style organization can be very trying. There are different deterrents to annihilation to recover the trust of an entire affiliation's law prerequisite system. Before attempting to execute another change plan inside the division, the chief need is meet with the senior cops and analyze the previous events and the activity strategy or the inadequacy in that office. There is no explanation behind completing another system without got warning from the senior activity first. Perceive that there were irregularities with the way where things were done beforehand and leave it at that. At the point when the issue has been recognized, the opportunity has arrived to wear down the course of action.

  • Meet with the senior position one on one
  • Meet with the senior authority as a get-together to look at a potential change in techniques and strategies inside the affiliation
  • Meet with the overseeing authorities to make sense of the 'heartbeat' of the affiliation
  • Meet with the chief line authorities and look at issues that relate direct to them
  • Hold a system meeting to address any stresses

In the wake of get-together with the senior authorities, managing authorities, first line authorities, and people from the system draft a mission statement included an understanding style organization. This mission statement would see a part of the previous does not have that the law approval affiliation defied anyway would feature the new methodologies and systems between all degrees of the degrees of initiative and system. It is definitely not hard to blame the prior head for police for all the past issues yet as an understanding style pioneer it is basic to assume liability and offer a common commitment with all people from the law execution affiliation. Little changes would join more presentation with the chief line authorities to disclose to them that you really care about what they are doing while greater changes would fuse ejection of staff at whatever point advocated. This could have both positive and negative effects. For one, ejection of certain work power may improve great and upward convenientce of movement. This could in like manner be seen as a power move by the new head of police and could have a part of the senior authorities pushed. While very close time with bleeding edge authorities would show that the new head of police genuinely minds, it could in like manner be viewed as micromanaging from the most imperative level.

Finally, it is the obligation as the head of police to draw in the cops all through the positions and set a model for everyone to seek after. Ortmeier and Meese (2010) absolutely communicated that 'as pioneers, cops are uncommonly masterminded to effect and point of view others to achieve genuine and noteworthy open interests'.

Both the narcissistic-style and contract style organization have exhibited effective since the start. A narcissistic-style activity may exhibit convincing for a pioneer and their supporters for a brief time period, anyway over the long haul it will fall into talk in light of the way that finally the pioneer is only based on achieving their very own definitive target. Then again, the agreement style of power is convincing and will empower all people from the understanding. The association between the understanding style pioneer and their followers is agreeable. As the pioneer surpasses desires, so do their aficionados.


  1. Braun, S., (2017). Leader narcissism and outcomes in organizations: a review at multiple levels of analysis and implications for future research. Frontiers in psychology, 8, 773. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00773
  2. Caldwell, C., & Hasan, Z. (2016). The covenantal leader: honoring the implicit relationship with employees. Graziadio Business Review, 19(2),
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  4. Fischer, K. J., & Schultz, J. (2016). How does a covenantal approach to developing organizational leadership affect innovation? Journal of Leadership Studies, 10(1), 53-54. doi:10.1002/jls.21444
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  8. Moisan, L. (2011). Leadership makes a difference and effective leadership is a covenant. The Giving Institute.
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  10. Ortmeier, P. and Meese, E. (2010). Leadership, ethics, and policing: challenges for the 21st century 2nd (ed). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.
  11. Ouimet, G. (2010). Dynamics of narcissistic leadership in organizations: Towards an integrated research model. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 25(7), 713-726. doi:10.1108/02683941011075265
  12. Rosenthal, S. A., & Pittinsky, T. L. (2006). Narcissistic leadership. The Leadership Quarterly, 17(6), 617-633. doi:10.1016/j.leaqua.2006.10.005
  13. Stein, M. (2013). When does narcissistic leadership become problematic? dick fuld at lehman brothers. Journal of Management Inquiry, 22(3), 282-293. doi:10.1177/1056492613478664
  14. Wessels, W. J. (2010). Connected leadership: Jeremiah 8:18-9:3 – a case study. Koers : Bulletin for Christian Scholarship, 75(3), 483-502. doi:10.4102/koers.v75i3.93
  15. Xiao, X., Liu, F., Zhou, F., & Chen, S. (2018). Narcissistic leadership and employees' knowledge sharing: Influence of organizational identification and collectivism. Social Behavior and Personality: An International Journal, 46(8), 1317-1329. doi:10.2224/sbp.7034
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