Psychological Disorders Essay

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6 Pages 2653 Words
As a ploy of Television and movies, sleep deprivation is often thought of when discussing torture, brainwashing or hostage negotiation techniques. In reality, sleep deprivation is at an epidemic level in the United States. The purpose of sleep is to allow the body to heal and recharge itself from any damages done throughout the day. Sleep helps the body to...
Psychological DisordersSleepSleep Deprivation
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2 Pages 969 Words
Psychological disorders, just like any physical illness, are present everywhere and among all age groups. Favoritism is very common too and it destroys the lives of many every day. Just like age discrimination and gender discrimination are seen in the workplace, so is mental health discrimination. Narrow-minded people tend to discriminate very often as those individuals cannot accept that people...
DiscriminationPsychological Disorders
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2 Pages 750 Words
Anorexia Nervosa is a complex psychological disorder that significantly impacts the lives of individuals who suffer from it. It is characterized by an intense fear of gaining weight, leading to extreme food restriction, excessive weight loss, and a distorted body image. The prevalence of anorexia nervosa has been steadily rising, making it a critical issue for mental health professionals worldwide....
AnorexiaPsychological Disorders
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2 Pages 803 Words
Joanna's passion for collecting videos, while seemingly harmless at first, gradually spiraled into an obsession that permeated every aspect of her life. What began as a simple hobby transformed into a compulsive behavior, leading her to accumulate an extensive collection of videos. Joanna's house became a labyrinth of videotapes, DVDs, and digital files, each meticulously categorized and stored. Unfortunately, her...
Mental IllnessPsychological Disorders
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1 Page 498 Words
Introduction Autism is a complex neurological condition that affects individuals in unique ways. However, labeling autism as a form of brain damage oversimplifies its nature and fails to capture the richness and diversity of the autistic experience. This essay aims to present a persuasive argument against the notion that autism is a kind of brain damage, emphasizing the need for...
AutismHuman BrainPsychological Disorders
like 432
4 Pages 1683 Words
The issue of substance abuse along with other mental illnesses has been a policy issue in Massachusetts and other health policy advocate groups such as the Massachusetts Public Health Association. These advocacy groups can lobby state legislators and the Massachusetts Public Health Department to take action to protect those who have substance abuse disorder as well as other mental illnesses...
PolicyPsychological DisordersSubstance Abuse
like 434
2 Pages 706 Words
Introduction Shopping addiction, also known as compulsive buying disorder (CBD), represents a growing concern in contemporary society as consumerism becomes increasingly prevalent. This behavioral addiction is characterized by an overwhelming urge to shop, leading individuals to make excessive purchases despite potential negative consequences. The rise of online shopping platforms has further exacerbated this issue, enabling constant access to shopping opportunities....
Psychological DisordersShoppingStudy
like 172
5 Pages 2484 Words
Throughout history, women have dealt with body image in a sense of violence trying to be the perfect figure that society portrays to be the “ideal woman”. Women who deal with serious conditions like breast cancer develop a negative perspective toward their body image due to the drawbacks of chemotherapy. This can be a form of violence for themselves trying...
Body ImagePsychological DisordersStudy
like 264
6 Pages 2621 Words
Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a condition that causes a difference in how one perceives and experiences the world around them. Medically, it is thought of as the impairment of the ability to learn or discern information. The difficulty those on the autism spectrum have with interacting with society is reflected in the adversity they potentially can encounter in certain...
2 Pages 899 Words
Depression - also called “clinical depression” or “depressive disorder” - is a kind of mental disorder, with various categorizations which have as main symptoms, continuous sorrow, disinterest, lack of enthusiasm, swings between feelings of guilt and low self-confidence, insomnia, and low appetite (“What is depression”, 2016). Depression can lead to suicide and there are four main causes of depression hormone...
DepressionPsychological DisordersStudy
like 432
5 Pages 2082 Words
So, I have depression. Didn’t think you were going to hear that as an opening statement, did you? I have suffered from depression since I was 15 years old, however was only formally diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder this year. Like many people in the world, my symptoms got worse over the year due to the isolation and huge changes...
DepressionPersonal ExperiencePsychological Disorders
like 471
1 Page 472 Words
I will never forget my best friend from seventh grade, Naseem. He was extremely shy and was excluded by my peers for that reason. That being so, I made it my job to make him feel like a part of the class. A couple of weeks later, after many failed attempts, he warmed up to me and would only talk...
Career ChoiceMotivationPsychological Disorders
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3 Pages 1201 Words
The purpose of writing the article: The article focused on the reality of depression disorder in children and adolescents and not only in adults, as it can lead to the same outcomes in adults, like, impairment, and mental and physical illness. It also highlighted the descriptive aspects of depression in children and adolescents, and the risk factors that are likely...
Critical ThinkingDepressionPsychological Disorders
like 210
6 Pages 2681 Words
Parental Consultancy - Initial contracts and other agreements I had been recruited to work with the agency and their safer recruitment procedure was followed. This included an application form, referees taken up, and an enhanced DBS check required. I received regular supervision and worked with 6 different families over about 5 months. The referral to work with Kate and David...
Critical ReflectionPsychological Disorders
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5 Pages 2318 Words
We’ve all had that feeling some days. That feeling that, no matter what your friends and family will tell you, you look wrong. It might be the way your hair is flipping, or perhaps how your nose is turned up a little too much, or maybe just your physique. It is always unpleasant, but usually goes away within a few...
PatientPsychological Disorders
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5 Pages 2103 Words
Abstract: This essay will discuss the issue of modern music and its effect on a child’s development. This will include the influence of the lyrics that modern music has as well as its accessibility in the modern age. Parents who may be uninformed are not aware of how lyrics can have a long-lasting effect on their children, good or bad....
Music TherapyPsychological Disorders
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6 Pages 2626 Words
Dementia is a disease that causes the loss of cognitive functioning and behavioral abilities to a degree that it affects a person's day-to-day life. This syndrome affects a person’s memory, language skills, problem-solving, self-management, and the ability to focus. Dementia mainly has an effect on older people, and the risk of dementia continues to increase as age increases. Some individuals...
DementiaPsychological Disorders
like 192
3 Pages 1242 Words
A survey done by the CDC during the Covid-19 recession shows that 40 percent of Americans are now grappling with at least one mental health or drug-related problem. Recessions are periods of time when economic activity declines, as well as the mental health of the general population, particularly among those who have lost their jobs. Unemployment rates rise during recessions,...
CoronavirusEconomic ProblemPsychological Disorders
like 383
4 Pages 1851 Words
We hear a lot about how mental health is very prominent in the music industry and how the music industry worsens artists' struggles with it. But why does the industry worsen mental health when it's such a glamorized industry and career choice. To answer this question, I will look at examples of artists with known mental health struggles and try...
Music IndustryPsychological Disorders
like 339
2 Pages 1101 Words
Abstract Schizophrenia is not a common mental illness so scientists today still do not know how exactly schizophrenia manifests. The main theory of how schizophrenia comes about is through genes. Although there is no specific gene that causes the disorder itself, it is believed theinterplay of genes plus an individuals environment combine to determine if schizophrenia develops. The environmental factors...
Mental IllnessPsychological DisordersSchizophrenia
like 302
6 Pages 2849 Words
Psychopathic behavior is associated with a construct of social and behavioral problems including violence, criminal activity, and overall failure to conform to social standards. In this study, psychopathic and antisocial personality disorder-based traits are measured. Using reliability and factor analyses were used to validate the inventory and create factor-based indices that were used to predict anti-social behavioral outcomes including violence,...
AggressionPsychological DisordersPsychopaths
like 237
2 Pages 869 Words
Introduction The publication of "Sybil" in 1973 marked a pivotal moment in the understanding and popularization of Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), previously known as Multiple Personality Disorder. Written by Flora Rheta Schreiber, the book narrates the real-life case of Shirley Ardell Mason, under the pseudonym Sybil, who was treated by psychiatrist Dr. Cornelia Wilbur. This sensational story captivated the public's...
Dissociative Identity DisorderPsychological DisordersSybil
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2 Pages 1099 Words
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Shirley Ardell Mason Shirley Ardell Mason also is known as (Sybil) was quietly living in Lexington Kentucky, and had run an art business out of her home in the 1970s. She later died on Feb 26, 1998, from breast cancer due to declining treatment. There was a movie based on Shirley Ardell Mason Life called “Sybil” which came out in...
Psychological DisordersSybil
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3 Pages 1243 Words
I am fat. I am really fat. Why does this girl’s face look better than mine? How many likes did she get on her last selfie? Wow. 17,649. Does she eat at all? Her cheeks look so thin. Maybe she is on a low-carb diet? Maybe she does facial exercises to slim her face? Agh, her lips are so big....
Plastic SurgeryPsychological DisordersSelfie
like 231
5 Pages 2172 Words
Psychology comes from the Greek words “psych” meaning soul and “ology” meaning logic, it translates to “the science of the soul.” It was founded by a man named Wilhelm Wundt, he founded experimental psychology which later led to others discovering more in psychology. Psychology is both a science and a profession, it is counted as a science because it’s about...
Bipolar DisorderHuman BehaviorPsychological Disorders
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4 Pages 1665 Words
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Introduction It’s 2022. As modern an era as it can get. Never before has life been so chaotic, challenging, and quick-moving. On one hand, modern life stands on the pinnacle of comfort and happiness; on the other, it is fraught with the many tensions and anxieties that come with advancement. For some, it might be the generic tensions encompassing life...
Mental IllnessPsychological Disorders
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2 Pages 817 Words
Introduction The third gender, often referred to as non-binary or gender non-conforming individuals, faces significant societal and familial challenges that profoundly affect their mental health. Despite evolving discussions on gender identity, many societies still adhere to binary gender norms, leading to stigmatization and exclusion of those who do not conform. This essay examines the adverse effects of family and social...
Psychological Disorders
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3 Pages 1478 Words
Major depressive disorder (MDD), one of the leading causes of disability worldwide (Thornicroft et al., 2018), is a common psychological condition categorized under mood disorders in the DSM-5. Mood disorders consist of conditions that involve predominant problems with either mood or affect (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). According to the World Health Organisation, the prevalence of MDD in all age categories...
Major Depressive DisorderPsychological Disorders
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3 Pages 1486 Words
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While some individual personality traits are mistaken for the signs of personality disorders, in some ways how a person acts can show clear signs of a type of personality disorder. There have been plenty of moments in the story ‘Breakfast at Tiffany’s’ by Truman Capote that Holly Golightly showed she is suffering from Narcissistic Personality Disorder or NPD. Holly Golightly...
Narcissistic Personality DisorderPsychological Disorders
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3 Pages 1581 Words
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a neuropsychiatric disorder. As the name provides, it has two components: obsessiveness or repeated thoughts and compulsiveness or repeated behavior. These two components seem to work together to form this disorder; obsessiveness may stem from high anxiety levels and to reduce this type of stress, repetitive behavior or action is done to reduce the anxiety and...
Obsessive Compulsive DisorderPsychological Disorders
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