The Importance of Mobile Phones

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Mobile phones have become extremely popular in recent years with most people in the world owning one. Everywhere you look there is someone calling, playing or just on their phone in general. Mobile phones have completely changed how people live nowadays; they have become an important asset in our daily life making it easier for us to do most of our work. Whether it's researching, playing, communications with family, or using social media, phones have been very convenient in our everyday life and nobody would be able to imagine a life without them.

Unlike house phones, mobile phones enable people to communicate from anywhere around the world. With the use of social media apps on smartphones, people from anywhere in the world can talk to each other and upload pictures they would like to share. Similarly, they make it simpler for people to get in contact with their friends and family wherever they are in the world. Parents can also effortlessly get in touch with their children, students can message their professors if they have any problems, and employees can even easily contact their bosses by messaging them and it will be received within seconds. Phones also allow people to make video calls with apps like Skype, which can completely change the experience of talking to loved ones and would allow you to see the other person. If someone is in an emergency, mobile phones can be used to contact emergency services or find where you using the GPS incorporated into the smartphone, which is also used all around the world (Westenberg).

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Secondly, mobile phones come with a package of all types of entertainment just waiting to be downloaded. Whether its movies, television shows, or simply music. All can be accessed with just a few clicks on a smartphone. People would usually head over to their TV or the cinema to watch their favorite entertainment shows and movies but now everything can be watched directly on YouTube or Netflix on their smartphone. Smartphones can be used to play the latest games that are downloaded and can be played anywhere. In addition, some smartphones can even connect to game consoles and can be used as a controller to play games on. Listening to music is now easier than ever. People used to go out and buy CDs or vinyl records to listen to the songs they liked. But now with apps such as Spotify or Apple Music the songs from your favorite artists can be downloaded, played, and put into playlists in a couple of seconds.

Finally, the use of mobile phones or technology in general has been extremely helpful in people's education. Schools and universities around the world incorporated mobile phones and technology in their classrooms and outside to help the students understand their lessons. Students can take pictures of notes to send them to friends (Leyden). Most professors use PowerPoint slides for lectures because it is an easy way to pass information across to the student as well as they can make online quizzes and polls which are fun ways for students to learn. With one small device learning can become much easier since people can use search engines such as Google to find a variety of information such as websites, pictures, and videos to help them with their researches and exams.


In conclusion, mobile phones have become an essential component in our daily lives and not many people would be able to live without them. They formed a sort of multitasking ability that allows people to do various things such as communicate with others, watch movies, search for websites, and many more all in one small device. Looking into the future, mobile phones will keep advancing and will probably have an even more important role in people's lives.

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The Importance of Mobile Phones. (2022, August 25). Edubirdie. Retrieved June 30, 2024, from
“The Importance of Mobile Phones.” Edubirdie, 25 Aug. 2022,
The Importance of Mobile Phones. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 30 Jun. 2024].
The Importance of Mobile Phones [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Aug 25 [cited 2024 Jun 30]. Available from:

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