O U T L IN E : 9 /2 6 2 N D V IE N N E S E : T E X T A N D 1 2 - T O N E
1. D rop the needle practice.
2. Schoenberg,Pierrot lunaire, op.21(M oonstruck Pierrot,1912)
a. Sprechstim m e (Speech/song)
b. “PierrotEnsem ble”
c. N o.8 “N acht” (N ight):Passacaglia
3. A lban B erg (1885–1935)
a. M ore “rom antic” than Schoenberg
b. O pera com poser:W ozzeck and Lulu
c. C om posesatonalm usic butalludesto tonalm usic often
d. IncludesLeitm otivs.
e. W ozzeck, A ctIII,scene 3:V ariationson a rhythm .
f. V iolin concerto — tw elve tone w ork,butquotesa B ach chorale.
4. T w elve-T one M ethod
a. P,R ,I,and R I
b. hexachordalcom binatoriality
5. Schoenberg,Fourth String Q uartet
a. R eturn to m ore traditionalform s,w ith less-traditionalpitches
b. P0,I5 hexachords
c. alm ostP0,I7 tetrachords
d. A udibility?
6. W ebern,Sym phonie op.21
a. canons
b. pointillism
c. sim ilarity ofgesture betw een canonic strands.
N extclass:Neoclassicism
Listening and R eading:See Syllabus(Prokofiev,Stravinsky)
LoriH uberm an on Sym phony ofPsalm s(30 m inutes)
Sum m ary ofN eoclassicism .
FirstU nitT est(~35 m inutes)