Transitioning Toward Green Lawn Care Equipment
Gas powered lawn care equipment has many negative impacts. California’s
American Green Zone Alliance and Massachusetts’ Quiet Communities are two
organizations that have been studying these impacts, and they have found that they
are extensive. Firstly, gas powered lawn equipment contributes heavily to air pollution.
Operating a gas powered lawnmower for one hour can produce as much smog forming
hydrocarbons as driving the average car between 100 and 200 miles. In addition, the
need for gas and oil to operate these machines continues to add to our reliance on
unsustainable forms of energy. It is estimated that lawn mowers use about 1.2 billion
gallons of gasoline a year. And along with using oil and gasoline, comes the problem of
waste. Too often regulations of safe disposal of oil and chemical waste are not
followed leading to contamination of land and water, and sometimes the very green
spaces that are the focus of lawncare. The negative impacts of gas dependent lawn
equipment are not only harmful to the environment, but also to human health. The
noise pollution created by these tools is harmful to the surrounding populations, and
particularly harmful to the operators of the equipment. The gas emissions from these
machines also negatively impacts lung health in multiple ways: from immediately
breathing in fumes to the fact it adds to the larger scale air pollution problem.
In order to remedy this problem a transition needs to be made to
battery-operated machinery or hand tools like rakes and clippers. Battery-operated
lawn care equipment is cleaner and quieter, and in the long term saves money, due to
eliminating the need to purchase and manage gasoline. The change can be effected in many different sectors: the residential, the commercial, the academic and the
municipal. The American Green Zone Alliance has created a certification process for
“green zones” for all four of these sectors. A green zone is a zero-emission and
low-noise space. Battery operated equipment is cheaper for residential than
commercial-grade because it does not need to be as powerful. Spreading information
to suburban areas about the benefits of switching away from gas powered equipment
is important for the quality of life and health in those areas, and also for the employees
of lawncare companies. Universities are also a large user of gas powered lawn
equipment due to their large areas of campus and athletic green spaces. Students can
make proposals to private universities about making the transition to cleaner lawn care
routines. Universities that make sustainability a priority tend to draw more interest to
their institution.
State- and city-sponsored transitions to green lawn care equipment are
particularly important. By becoming an example of how to effectively make this change
and to highlight benefits of this switch, governments can inspire the commercial sector
to follow suit. In enacting a municipal plan for a green zone, or simply in aiding a
transition to green lawn care products, it is not necessarily a good idea to just go out
and buy replacement electrical equipment, as there are important differences in the
technology from conventional gas-powered. A purchasing program should
requirement that certain criteria be met. The machinery that will be bought by either
town or state needs to be vetted for things like battery life, warrantees, manufacturer
take-back recycling programs, and the voltage/power of the equipment. It is in the best interest of the town to bring in suppliers prior to purchase to make a proposal that is
tailored to the specific requirements of the sites in question. By having the supplier
evaluate the property and the needs of the buyer, the most cost-efficient and beneficial
products will be acquired. This should also be paired with a training and certification
process. Maintaining the batteries so that there is sufficient charge to do the work
requires a little preparation. Training will ensure that the new products are used in the
most efficient way and that these safer and greener practices will be just as effective at
producing quality results. The municipality in question will then be aiding its community
in making green jobs and helping to educate its workers in a more sustainable