Supreme Court Cases: Fill in the Blank
The Supreme Court found the civil rights act to be constitutional in
___Heart of Atlanta Motel v U.S.___ banning discrimination in all places. In
___Engel v Vitale___ the Court ruled that public schools could not conduct
prayers, as this violated the establishment clause in the first amendment.. The
Supreme Court ruled in Bethel School District vs. Frasier and
___Tinker v Des Moines ___ that schools could limit the __FIRST__ amendment
rights of students by prohibiting: what they determined to be “lewd or vulgar”, or
anything that caused a substantial disruption interfering with their basic education
The Supreme Court established its power of ___Judicial Review.___
in the case of Marbury vs. Madison. In ___McCulloch v Maryland___ the Court
ruled that states could not tax the Federal Government, because “the power to tax
implies the power to destroy”; establishing national supremacy. The Supreme
Court ruled in Gideon vs. Wainwright that Florida law violated the __SIXTH__
amendment right to “have the assistance of counsel,” by denying poor people the
right to a lawyer. In Miranda vs. Arizona, the Supreme Court ruled that accused
persons must be read the Miranda warnings when taken into custody, to inform
them of their __ FIFTH __ amendment right to “remain silent”. The _FOURTH _
amendment’s protection against unreasonable searches and seizures was
guaranteed by the Supreme Courts ruling in Mapp vs. Ohio stating that any
evidence obtained illegally was inadmissible in court. The Supreme Court’s
decision in Brown v. Board of Education over turned Plessy vs. Ferguson bringing
an end to __ segregation (and/or) separate but equal_.