La Crostata
Pasta frolla/a basic dough (see recipe below)
One jar/vasetto (literally "little cute vase") of your favorite jam or Nutella
Riscalda il forno a 180 degrees C (warm up the oven at 350 degrees F).
Prepare a batch of pasta frolla.
Cut a piece of carta da forno/parchment paper the size of your pie pan.
Flatten 3/4 of the pasta frolla on a flat surface dusted with flour and transfer it into the
pie pan. Use your hands to press the dough into the mold (it should be about 0.5 cm =
1/5" thick) and trim the excess dough.
Prick the dough con una forchetta/with a fork.
Spread the jam or nutella evenly.
Flatten the rest of the dough and cut it in strips that you will arrange on top of the
crostata, in an open lattice pattern (see the photo above).
Bake for 40 minutes or until golden brown.
La Pasta Frolla Recipe
La pasta frolla is abasic dough for cookies and torte such as la crostata and la torta di frutta
Ingredienti (per una crostata per 6 persone, about 26 cm in diameter):
(250 g is about 0.55 lb)
- 250 g di farina (flour)
- 125 g di burro freddo tagliato a cubetti (cold butter cut in cubes)
- 75 g di zucchero (sugar)
- 2 tuorli (or rossi) d'uovo (egg yolks) a temperatura ambiente (at room temperature)
- mezza buccia di limone grattuggiata (half a lemon zest grated)
- mezzo cucchiaino di lievito istantaneo (half a teaspoon of baking powder)
- 1 pizzico di sale (a pinch of salt)
- 1 pizzico/1 goccio di vaniglia (pinch/tiny bit of vanilla - goccia= drop)