Title: Round Robin Sharing
Goal: To motivate ALL students to read outside of class and participate in classroom
discussions about the reading.
Description: Organize the room so that students are seated in a circle. One student
shares an idea from the reading that represents a question about the text, a
connection (personal or otherwise) or something new they learned. Each student
shares one thing until all students have presented. This is a low-stakes strategy for
setting the expectation that all students are accountable for completing the reading
and participating in class.
Variation: Students can use the Text Coding system described in the "Text Coding"
Tip or another method for documenting their ideas. The instructor can facilitate
discussion of students’ shared ideas as they arise or after all students have shared at
least once.
Participant Level: WC
Prep Time: S
Class Time: S / M / L
When: A
Code Legend:
Participant Level: WC (Whole Class); GR (Groups); P (Pairs); I (Individual Students)
Prep / Class / Results Analysis Time: S (Short); M (Medium); L (Long)
When to Use During Semester: B (Beginning); M (Middle); E (End); A (Any time)