Title: Kahoot!
Kahoot! is an easy to use online game/quiz platform (www.kahoot.it).
You, the instructor, first create an account, then start creating learning games, mainly
multiple choice quizzes (up to four answers). In class, you project your game or quiz on
the screen through the Kahoot! site. Your students, who access the site on their cell
phones, type in a game “pin number” generated by Kahoot! after you launch the game or
quiz from your screen. Your students then give themselves a nickname to identify who
they are during the game and start answering your questions. Your questions ap-pear
one by one on the classroom screen and your students tap their answers on their cell
phones. Each answer is represented by a specific color and shape. They have either 5, 10,
20, etc. seconds to answer de-pending on what you have preprogrammed when you first
created each question. They are assigned points based on accuracy and speed. Kahoot!
keeps score and shows the top 3-5 scorers after each question. Catchy “game show
music” is played during the competition.
Advantages: Kahoot! …
is an engaging and fun way to change pace during class, diversify your
lesson plan and learn important content at the same time.
is a great way to review for quizzes and tests and reinforce key vocabulary, terminology, and/or concepts.
helps to foster classroom community.
can be played by your students as individuals or in teams.
A few students may not have cell phones (but they can still play along
without their score being tallied).
Technical glitches with cell phones, such as “screen freezes”, will inevitably occur.
Participant Level: I / GR
Prep Time: S / M / L (depending on # of questions)
Class Time: S / M / L (depending on # of questions)
When: A
Code Legend:
Participant Level: WC (Whole Class); GR (Groups); P (Pairs); I (Individual Students)
Prep / Class / Results Analysis Time: S (Short); M (Medium); L (Long)
When to Use During Semester: B (Beginning); M (Middle); E (End); A (Any time)