ENGL 110: Principles of English Grammar
MATH 165: Precalculus
PHYS 161: General Physics I: Mechanics and Heat
EDUC 265 | Methods of Teaching Secondary Students
MATH 130: Elements of Mathematics I: Mathematical Reasoning and Number Systems
ENGL 101: Introduction to College Writing
ENGL 102: Critical Reading, Writing, and Research
MATH 117: Elements of Statistics
HINM 154: Legal and Ethical Issues in Health Information Management
MATH 050: Foundations of Algebra
MATH 092: Foundations of Mathematical Reasoning
MATH 120: Survey of College Mathematics
HIST 117: World History: A Comparative Survey from A.D. 1500 to the Present
NURS 114: Professionalism and Communication in Nursing
BIOL 222: Principles of Genetics
HIST 236: The History of African Americans since 1865
MATH 098: Introduction to Trigonometry
CHEM 131: Principles of Chemistry I
ENEE 245: Digital Circuits and Systems Laboratory
MATH 181: Calculus I
MATH 030: Elements of Mathematics I Support
MATH 150: Elementary Applied Calculus I
SOCY 208: Sociology of Gender
MGMT 214: Human Resources Management
CHEM 099: Introductory Chemistry