University of Colorado BoulderCourse:
CHEM 1401 | Foundations of Chemistry LabAcademic year:
Eden Cherry
What would bring about a higher electron density around an atom? \ ) A «»»0( ^ juaP K' * • J PA (W 1 rkiASifu around £ * 15 Less HIAK f'Lc ^ [ /; Partial Charges Electric Field how it interacts with other molecules and its environment. For instance, molecules with high molecular dipoles tend to have high intermolecular forces. (Why? ) » on off BTW: The molecular dipole is found using vector addition, adding the bond dipoles together; think a tug -of-war . Take some time and adjust each of the atom's locations and electronegativity values several times. Observe how the bond dipoles ( between A- B and B-C) add to produce a molecular dipole. How might a molecule with two strong bond dipoles have no molecular dipole at all? pnirt / iouV " wioifcule \s sLjraA .. •: • If .. •'V' J fit ff ; a ^ umehncol How might a molecule have a very strong molecular dipole. large Real Molecules !A/igt4 Iryfc- \ ’ " Like dissolves like" is a way to remember that molecules with similar molecular dipoles will tend to interact favorably and mix. For instance, water ( H20) is a polar molecule. It will mix well ( dissolve ) polar molecules, such as ammonia ( NHa), a mixture often used in household cleaners. Both molecules possess strong molecular dipoles. . A molecule such as methane (CH4 ) would not dissolve well into water Why? jltOftlg. C- O /• ( ncmpolaf ivwlervle) 4 Before using the simulation, complete the table below ( with a V) to predict which or the following should dissolve into water. Create a Lewis-dot diagram (:0=C= 6: ) for each to guide your thinking (use a separate page ) , Prediction ( before using the simulation ) H2 N2 02 F2 HF y / H 2O co2 V HCN V/ - C R FJ2 03 NH3 BH3 BF3 CH2O / 1 ' FJ)CF CH4 ( CH3 F ) CH2F2 ( , CH3 ^ v/ v/ 4 / v CHCI3 x/ «Optionai» Next, use the simulation to determine with of the species should dissolve in water. H2 N2 02 F2 HF H20 C02 HCN 03 NH3 BH3 BF3 CH2O CH4 V Finally, what type of solvent would be required to dissolve nonpolar compounds? CH3 F CH 2F2 CH 3 F CF4 CHCI3
Molecule Polarity Lab Key 2023
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