Impact of Covid-19 on Business: Essay

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Through this reflective Journal, I would be illustrating how the current covid-19 pandemic has dramatically impacted the hospitality industry and how industries had implemented strategies to recover or survive from the covid19 pandemic, I would also be talking about how covid-19 has impacted me personally, how I have coped with the current situation and how I prepared myself for -my WIL-3 and any big changes that hotel implemented during this challenging time.

Impacts of Covid 19 on the hospitality industry:

Since the COVID-19 pandemic spread worldwide, travel restrictions have been implemented globally which has caused many hotels, and airlines industry to shut down permanently and many more businesses are at risk of collapsing and fighting to survive the current pandemic (Guevara, 2020). According to Hung et al 2018, the hotel industry is defenseless to threats posed by unexpected crises such as pandemics, natural disasters, and terrorist attacks.

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Hotels or restaurants must implement a 4 square meter per person spacing rule while setting up tables which have resulted in a reduced number of tables at the bar and restaurant and 1.5 meters of social distancing at waiting areas has affected the seating capacity of the hospitality industry which has directly affected the daily turnover of the business (Safeworkaustralia 2020). In addition, business seating capacity changes from 20 to 500 people at the venue depending on the government regulation as well as covid spreading (Queensland Government 2020). In addition, the hotel industry which was serving all-you-can-eat buffet service has now gone as they can no longer provide self-service buffet services. Furthermore, the operation cost of the business has increased as the business has to install various safety measures such as sneeze guards at reception, packed meals, and covid safe spaces for staff. Moreover, businesses have implemented covidsafe cleanliness and hygiene rules which have further made it difficult for businesses and employees as they have to frequently sanitize and clean the surfaces. Moreover, due to covid-19 outbreak, many businesses have shut down its business or certain sectors such as casinos have resulted from an increase in the unemployment rate. From the below graph, we can see that the unemployment rate has increased by 2.2% from march 5.2% to June 7.4%.

Australian bureau of statics 2020, unemployment rate,

Strategies the hotel has implemented :

Many hotel industries have shut down while some hotel industries have decided to stay open following government regulations by redirecting their operation styles such as running quarantine business, implementing 4 square per person rules for restaurant dining, and 1.5-meter social distancing for waiting areas. Moreover, many hotels and businesses for example Mayfair hotel and Woolworths have installed Sneeze guards at the front desk to provide a safe zone to prevent Virus spreading.

Supermarketnews 2020, Woolworths au rolls out new safety measures,

According to Wen et al, (2020) health is a key factor in recovering the hospitality industry implementing strict hygiene and cleanliness helps to effectively control virus spreading and provide opportunities for recovery. Many buffet restaurants such as Sizzler has implemented new ways of serving buffet. They still serve buffets but waiters would be serving hungry patrons (Currentaffairnow 2020).

Due to the virus outbreak and international travel restrictions airline industries (Kenya, virgin Atlantic airlines) have converted to cargo services to overcome the losses and bring in much-needed revenue (Mcwhirter A 2020). Moreover, many businesses have to cope with the pandemic by redirecting their employee's job descriptions for example airport employees are directed to handle temperature screening, collect health declarations, adjust airport infrastructures, reserve specific parking gates for flights coming from hotspot areas (Hockley L 2020).

Impacts of covid on me

To be honest COVID-19 outbreak has drastically affected my mental and financial state. Since March 2020 I have been stood down from my job. Being unemployed was sad but continuously applying for jobs and being unsuccessful was more frustrating. In addition, the pandemic was spreading to every part of the country and my being far from home made it even worst as each day I get worried for my wife, placement, and my parents living overseas. I didn’t have any income however I had to survive. I was even scared to death while going shopping it felt as if I was in the middle of the war. There were lots of things to worry about as I received a mail from ICHM stating that due to the pandemic I have to graduate or else I will be a risk of not getting placement thereby affecting my graduation. Getting graduation was the easiest choice I had but due to the financial crisis, it was again difficult for me so I decided to continue my WIL-3 regardless of fear of being left out for placement. I am really thankful to Emily Hosking as she helped me very much with searching for and securing a placement for me at Hayman island.

I prepared myself for industry changes and for placement during this challenging time.

According to Tony Robbins in every crisis there lies opportunities. It depends on people whether they see it as an opportunity or as a problem. Similarly, I may have been stressed and frustrated with the impact of COVID-19 but I was preparing myself for the future with the hope that someday everything will be back to normal. During this challenging time, I spend most of my time developing my existing skills for example communication skills, IT skills, and stress management skills. During this time I was also preparing for the worst, I spend most of my time preparing for the IELTS exam, and learning new things such as crocheting. I also started talking in English with my wife so that our communication skills further improve. I kept myself up-to-date with new government regulations as well as new changes in hotels. I also obtained COVID safe training certificate during this challenging time. At the current state Hygiene and cleanliness practice is the key aspects that the hotel industry are making changes with so I have prepared myself to develop the habit of strictly following the regulations by sanitizing hands and surfaces frequently


COVID-19 has affected global industry greatly and many businesses have shut down as they got bankrupt whereas many businesses have implemented various strategies to strive their business to overcome the current pandemic. Businesses are paying more attention to cleanliness and hygiene and now it is looked at as the most important part of business operation as businesses can not operate without strict covid safe cleanliness and hygiene practices. Moreover, the business has not only changed its way of doing business but also change employees' job descriptions to survive their business. I have been impacted too but regardless of the situation I have kept myself strong and prepared myself for the future and trained myself to improve my skills as well as developed the habit of strictly following cleanliness and hygiene practices while staying at home. Regardless of all the bad experiences looking at the brighter side of the virus outbreak earth has healed itself during the state lockdown. I might have been frustrated at the beginning but I believe I have coped very well regardless of the situation however if a similar situation arose I won't overthink about the problems as I have no control over them and would try to keep myself more focused and prepared for the future.

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Impact of Covid-19 on Business: Essay. (2022, December 27). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 10, 2025, from
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