English Language Essays

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2 Pages 839 Words
Over time, the English language has experienced significant changes which have brought it to where it is today. There is a wide gap between the spelling and pronunciation of lexemes in the past in comparison to today. A quote from Heraclitus states: “The only thing that is constant is change”. Change is inevitable and society must adapt linguistically to accommodate...
English LanguageLanguage
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5 Pages 2130 Words
Teaching philosophy is an important statement for a teacher to create a clear portrait of their personality as a teacher. Every teacher has to write philosophy on how, what, and why they want to teach. This essay will introduce a teaching philosophy as English language teacher. Teaching Philosophy I believe that all students have different needs and expectations from education/school....
6 Pages 2536 Words
Teaching English language in Malaysia can be nonetheless possessed its own challenge to ESL teachers. Malaysia made up of three main races have that tendency of embracing their own identity including the language that spoke on daily basis. Well, ESL learning was expectedly having its own sets of difficulty to be taught in a multicultural community. As Malaysia moving into...
English LanguageShort StoryTeacher/Teaching
like 259
7 Pages 3081 Words
Abstract We are living in a digital era of technological learners who are adept at using technology without any formal instructions. The ongoing pandemic may have staggered economy and halted lives across the globe, but, one blessing of these desperate times has been the desperation of ever individual to empower oneself with information and technology because it has proved to...
English LanguageTeacher/Teaching
like 378
2 Pages 709 Words
Throughout the years, the methods of communication have evolved very quickly. There are two of the methods will be compared in this research paper, which are texting and formal writing. Texting is communicating that involves creating and sending short messages between two or more mobile devices. While formal writing is a message from one person to another that is strictly...
English Language
like 220
3 Pages 1295 Words
The Norman Conquest of 1066 had the greatest effect of the various subsystems of the English Language, leaving a fair amount of French influence in the English Language due to the following reasons. First and foremost, the French Language was responsible for simplifying the originally complex grammar structure of Old English. Furthermore, the English lexicon was directly influenced by French,...
English Language
like 432
7 Pages 3027 Words
Introduction Social media has substantially modified human’s manner of residing in diverse aspects including communique, expertise alternate, commerce and education. With the development of social media sites, people keep finding more area of study English to be able to explore it further. There no denying that social media and its use have become obvious in field of education which may...
English Language
like 289
2 Pages 775 Words
Globalization worldwide has started from several years ago. Not only in one aspect, but various aspects such as culture, economy, and politics. According to Oxford Living Dictionary (2019), “Globalization is the process by which businesses or other organization develop international influence or start operating on an international scale.” Namely, these organizations open a network with others from the other areas...
English Language
like 432
6 Pages 2954 Words
Introduction “Language is the most overwhelmingly dominant perceived problem that international students face in their attempt of studying and living in an English-speaking country” (Robertson et al, 2010), particularly Unaided States, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand. In the UK context, the majority of the international learners come to England having already decent knowledge of Standard English (minimum IELTS...
English LanguageTeacher/Teaching
like 227
4 Pages 1630 Words
Background The term ‘Commodification’ usually can be seen as a topic of Economics but actually, it can be used in every area. Even language can be commodified ,can be used as an economic resource where market value exists . There are many studies which are mainly based on language economics, and this area’s evolution has not deep-rooted history. It is...
English LanguageLanguage
like 298
6 Pages 2630 Words
Introduction to the Evolution of English Through Technology English is a global language, which dictates the various aspects of the world such as culture, diplomacy and tourism. It is the official language in 63 countries with 2017 statistics record showing that English is spoken everywhere throughout the world by very nearly 1 Billion individuals, 600 Million of which are non-native...
ConversationEnglish Language
like 432
2 Pages 983 Words
‘Correct’ or ‘proper’ English is something that is highly regarded, not only today, but has been throughout history. However, the notion of there being a ‘correct’ way of performing English, whether spoken or written, is a myth. This article will explore the reasons why language can never be ‘right’ and how the belief in this idea continues to affect English....
English Language
like 359
3 Pages 1375 Words
What is Gamification? Gamification is introducing elements of a game to a language learning activity. Game is a form of play that includes game rules, goals, competition, and an element of chance [4]. The main aim of gamification is engaging and motivating students. Basically, the outcome is developing intrinsic motivation by associating learning with fun, and thus enjoyment [3]. Game...
English LanguageLanguageTeacher/Teaching
like 432
2 Pages 1108 Words
Visuals play an important role in facilitating the student’s understanding the text and the lesson. Whilst the teacher is teaching a lesson, she should keep in mind the diversity of the students and incorporate as many visuals in her lesson so all students will benefit. Although pairing the newcomer with a native speaker is a useful strategy, incorporating visuals into...
English LanguageLanguage
like 388
3 Pages 1155 Words
With major viruses like COVID-19 spreading across the world, communication is of utmost importance. Any medical organization finding any sort of information to catalyze the process of finding the cure needs to spread this message to the billions of individuals in different countries. Such crucial communication and much more uses English language as the medium. Communication has leaped milestones today,...
English Language
like 432
3 Pages 1166 Words
English has changed a lot on the course of history due to its heavy-borrower nature and if one could go back and travel in time to see the changes that the language has undergone, he would be surprised and maybe not even find similarity between those English’s. Change has happened due to different factors like time itself, literature, history, tradition...
English LanguageWilliam Shakespeare
like 432
3 Pages 1471 Words
Creativity is the most sought after 21st century skill (P21, 2019) in the workplace today (LinkedIn, 2019). At the same time, language teachers continue to search for new and innovative ways to increase students’ skills and confidence in order to become capable and independent learners (Hisatsune, 2012). As such, reading literature and writing short stories in small groups are creative...
English Language
like 333
3 Pages 1315 Words
Globalization can be a great opportunity to overcome, we seeing globalized world and mastering a second language is not just an option, it is an inevitable requirement. As a society, it is necessary to consider this important issue, without having to think too much about the results and thus leave behind the myth of introducing another language to our children....
AdolescenceEnglish Language
like 236
3 Pages 1492 Words
An advertisement is a bridge that connects the two worlds between manufacturers and customers. According to Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, an advertisement is a picture, short film, song, etc. which tries to persuade people to buy a product or service (3rd ed). According to the Advertising Association of the UK, advertising is any communication, usually paid-for, specifically intended to inform...
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1 Page 537 Words
As I learned in to my Sophomore year of college, I expected to learn many things and have many new experiences. I was unaware that taking an English Composition 1302 class would affect my learning so greatly. Throughout the semester, I have written a few papers and have had to do assignments that have been completely new to me and,...
like 432
5 Pages 2221 Words
There are two focal methods of how we can take a gander at the historical backdrop of a language: remotely – where, why and by whom the language was used; the political and social variables causing an alteration – and inside – the elocution, punctuation, jargon and composed part of the language; the inspirations for adjustment ascending from the structure...
English Language
like 432
6 Pages 2812 Words
Even though numerous grammatical characteristics of day to day, spontaneous discourse are judged wrong by the principles followed by written discourse, these characteristics of spoken grammar should not be viewed as off base deviations from the written or standard English. In contrast to written discourse, spoken discourse is typically unconstrained and spontaneous and created progressively with no open door for...
6 Pages 2596 Words
Abstract Competence in a language would mean the ability to use it for communicative purposes. The traditional text books used in the language classroom often fail to build this competence in learners. They are designed for language teaching and do not present language as it is used in real-life. On the other hand, authentic materials have a purpose in real-life...
English LanguageTeacher/Teaching
like 432
4 Pages 1951 Words
INTRODUCTION While it is known that learning and development for a child begin in the home and is furthered in the classroom, the structure and tools available to a student in the classroom are equally imperative to their cognitive development. One of the primary tools is the same provider of structure: the instructor. The instructor serves as the nexus from...
English Language
like 432
3 Pages 1515 Words
INTRODUCTION Language is the expression of thought by means of speech-sound. It is sum-total of such signs of our thoughts and feelings as are capable of external perception and as could be produced and repeated at will. Language means a system of words and their use and it is a way or communicating, ideas, feelings and desires by means of...
English Language
like 433
5 Pages 2121 Words
Introduction Teaching is considered to play a vital role as the formal medium for learning competence on the part of students[1]. Considering that effective teaching can facilitate learning, teaching is critical in the formation of knowledge, skills, and attitude. Low-quality teaching could result in unsuccessful learning. In fact, according to data in the Teaching Perspective Inventory by Pratt and Collins...
English Language
like 433
2 Pages 927 Words
As globalization becomes more and more popular all over the world, more people are able to speak foreign languages. Nowadays, a lot of people are able to speak two languages. For instance, China has considered English as a necessary tool, no matter internationally or domestically, and children have been required to learn it as a second language. Also, people change...
English LanguageLanguage
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1 Page 624 Words
Early Modern English l was about a hundred years old when Shakespeare was writing. There existed not dictionaries and Latin was still the language in which most documents were written. He contributed over 3000 words to the English language, because he was the first who wrote them . There are nearly 1700 of those words that were used by him...
English LanguageWilliam Shakespeare
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6 Pages 2922 Words
The history of Standard English is as old as the history of London English.' (Albert C. Baugh and Thomas Cable, A History of the English Language, 5th ed. Prentice Hall, 2002). The factor that played an important role in the making of Standard English was London becoming the capital of England. English is the world’s most widely used language. It...
English Language
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1 Page 464 Words
This paper posits that teaching NNS “English as a Lingua Franca” (ELF) is superior to teaching them a preferred form of “correct” English as propounded by “English as a Native Language” (ENL). Proponents of ENL subscribe to a parochial dogma concerning the preferability of a “standardised” or ostensibly accurate form of English (Kirkpatrick, 2006). They believe in instilling NNS these...
English LanguageTeacher/Teaching
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