Vision essays

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4 Pages 1630 Words
Over the past century, there have been many developments in Optometry that have transformed the way in which practitioners conduct examinations and diagnose patients. Although such transformations have been introduced with the objective of enhancing the practitioner’s ability to identify and rectify vision-related conditions and to provide the patient with the best possible eye care, developments such as Behavioural Optometry,...
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4 Pages 1765 Words
It is very unlikely that alcohol in moderation causes any problems to your eyes, however, the opposite can be said for consumption in excess. High levels of alcohol consumption can have short-term and long-term effects on the eye, and consuming too much of the wrong kind of alcohol, in some cases, can cause blindness. Ophthalmologist Payal Patel, MD, stated how...
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4 Pages 1926 Words
Vision is the faculty of being able to see. The human eye allows us to have a sense of sight, enabling us to learn more about the world than we do with any other senses, hence why it is so crucial to maintain our vision by getting routine checkups. I will discuss many properties of vision development including Visual acuity,...
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2 Pages 1014 Words
In this essay, I have chosen to review the article “The dimensionality of color vision in carriers of anomalous trichromacy (Jordan, 2010)”. The purpose of this essay is to show the differences and similarities between primary and secondary articles as well as how secondary articles are gathered and findings taken from primary articles. This article explains how some women...
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3 Pages 1380 Words
To most people, they may seem like normal activities –catching a sunset, seeing the beautiful waves of a beach, or watching an artistic performance. Yet, for the 285 million human beings around the world who are blind or visually impaired, the full splendor of those moments can only be imagined or described. For those individuals, a sunset would just look...
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1 Page 608 Words
There are several aspects of the optical system which contribute to normal visual development in infants, and retinal development is essential for this. Retinal factors take 4+ years to reach full adult maturity. Receptors are found in the fovea and peripheral parts of the retina. Vision rapidly improves after birth due to changes in the size, shape and density of...
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5 Pages 2425 Words
What is it? Color vision deficiency, also known as color blindness, is a condition that affects an individual’s ability to differentiate between colors, specifically those of similar hues. The inability to distinguish between colors results from either a partial or total loss of color vision, depending on the type of color blindness present (National Institutes of Health [NIH], n.d.). Symptoms...
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5 Pages 2366 Words
Over the first year of life, many developments in the body occur including speech advancements, fine and gross motor movements, facial expressions and the fusion of bones. One of these advancements includes the progression of our eyesight- vision is a powerful sight that allows us to protect ourselves from the environment by reacting to stimuli; there is no doubt that...
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3 Pages 1383 Words
This essay will explore the development of visual acuity and depth perception within the first year of an infant’s life. It explains the reason for the fast development of visual acuity within the first 6 months and the development of visual acuity based on how cone photoreceptors and the fovea mature to provide good resolution. OKR and VOR are also...
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2 Pages 1110 Words
We can see the world in colour due to receptors, known as rods and cones, which are found in our retina. They contain different pigments, which absorb certain wavelengths of light better than others. Rods do not mediate colour vision and are responsible for our ability to see in dim light as they have high photosensitivity. There are three types:...
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3 Pages 1499 Words
“Keep your eye on the Ball”- a common saying that is not often taken literally, but Vision Training has been thought to give this phrase a more meaningful purpose. Vision Training, also known as Vision Therapy has been said to be one of the most controversial procedures in Vision Care to date. It has been used for a variety of...
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2 Pages 962 Words
Introduction Human bodies are capable of doing amazing things every single day, which we often neglect. One of the most underestimated organs is the eyes. They are our window to the world yet a large number of people are not interested in how they work. This can lead to a misunderstanding and lack of knowledge about how to take proper...
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4 Pages 1830 Words
Alcohol is one of many psychoactive drugs with addictive potential, which has a significant impact on public health and individuals in society (Crocq, 2007). Alcohol is a modifiable lifestyle factor that has intentionally inflicted and unintentionally acquired injuries (Iranpour and Nakhaee, 2019, p. 132) that has resulted in hospitalization and is most widely used as a recreational drug in the...
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4 Pages 1675 Words
The innate curiosity that humans possess have helped solve problems to a plethora of different issues for thousands of years. While curiosity will never be the sole instigator to some of the most infamous inventors in human history, it definitely played a significant factor in the critical thinking devoted to the mechanical and technological evolution that inventions need to keep...
4 Pages 1974 Words
A person undergoes many changes within their eyes during infancy that are crucial for being able to have the best possible vision. At birth, a baby’s vision is very inferior when compared to an adult. This is because most elements of the eye are very underdeveloped and need to undergo changes as the baby ages in order to mature and...
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