Best National Honor Society Essay Writing Guide with Example

Just like being popular and successful among peers, belonging to National Honor Society is one of greatest dreams of many young people across the United States, as well as high school students of U.S. citizenship that reside in outlying territories. One of the most important steps to becoming a part of nationwide confederation of students is composing national honor society essay. Сrucial rule with NHS paper is to be original and avoid plagiarism in any form. In our guide, we have collected NHS essay definitions, tips, things to consider, and an actual example. We are certain that as you read through each part of this NHS tutorial, you will be relieved and great ideas will arrive right away!

Definition, Characteristics & Purpose of the National Honor Society Essay

It is a known fact being a member of National Honor in the United States is prestigious, yet before you start writing, let us define an actual  purpose of being a member, as well as learn how to become one!

1. How to apply for NHS membership?  

  • First thing has to be done is checking if your school has NHS chapter. If yes, you should check your handbook or talk directly to chapter adviser.

2. Requirements to become a member.

  • Next, if you are in grades 10-12, have met requirements as presented by school's chapter, you are eligible for NHS membership. NHS application requirements are based on four organization pillars, which are Scholarship, Service, Leadership, Character.
  • Scholarship part means which at a minimum, student must have cumulative GPA of 85, B, 3.0 on a 4.0 scale. Likewise, it can be an equivalent excellence standard. Note that your school chapter may require higher cumulative GPA entrance grade! 

Always remember that you can ask our writers "write my scholarship essay" and they will do it for you!

  • Service part stands for voluntary contributions students make to school, local community, or charity services which they participate in.
  • Leadership part speaks of people who show excellent skills of being resourceful, empathic, ones that have good knowledge solving conflicts without violence. Leadership qualities are taken from school community activities, group projects, volunteering at summer camps etc.
  • Character part speaks of high morals, as well as ethical qualities. One should adhere to high standards of honesty, reliability, courtesy, care, respect for others. Clean disciplinary record is a must!

3. Important things as you apply.

  • If you meet scholarship requirement, you will complete form that details accomplishments, as well as commitment to local services, set of leadership skills plus character traits.
  • Membership has certain obligations, involves great time commitments.
  • There will be chapter and yearly meeting schedule with certain responsibilities.
  • Even a well-written NHS paper cannot guarantee 100% acceptance as your own character, as well as unique achievements.
  • If you have teacher’s or any other recommendation, include it.
  • However, strong paper will be good for your particular candidacy, meaning which it should be unique & well-structured.

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Best Essay Writing Tips

Trust us, even best writing experts struggle with such demanding paper type should be unique, personal, inspiring and engaging for strict selection committee. United States is land that has numerous bright individuals who are worth of acceptance, so what are National Honor Society tips for writing? Addressing our experts, you can order essay which will list your achievements for National Honor membership. Still, let’s take a look at our national honor society essay tips will give you good start as you brainstorm ideas!

  • Have your goals clearly defined by writing down things that inspire you.
  • Always remain positive & honest. Sincerity is what makes you sound true.
  • Avoid plagiarism in any form, but mention personal experiences instead.
  • Show good morals, use clear, logical language.
  • Do not plead or ask. Instead of writing about  shortcomings, speak about benefits, plans, personal development.
  • As you address achievements, do not boast, but speak about others too who have helped you achieve your goals. It is your personality’s biography!
  • Mention your future goals. Be realistic & creative!

First Things First

  • First of all, as you begin, talk about your reasons for applying to NHS. Remember that core organization value is safeguarding of ethical attitude, promotion of healthy social interaction, empathy, care, as well as volunteering. If it meets your beliefs, mention your vision.
  • Next, tell of what you know about organization, chapter’s work, things that interest and inspire you most of all. Talk about social initiatives that you know about in your community, school, city or even nationwide.
  • Continue by telling about your achievements or things that you can contribute asa motivated, skilled, well-behaved person.

Basically, it’s beginning and core part of your NHS essay. Let us review most important task - wrapping things up!

NHS Essay Conclusion Tips

Conclusion part is equally important for your NHS paper as introduction and very first sentence. Therefore,a good national honor society essay conclusion should include:

  • Lasting impression of high morals, meaning that paper has style & tone.
  • Persuade selection committee that they are not only reading achievements list, but statement from determined & devoted person.
  • Genuine call for positive changes in local community, society, as well as readiness to be part of that change.
  • As you approach conclusion part, check twice to ensure that your paper has no grammar, technical, formatting, spelling errors.
  • Generally, avoid slang, colloquial language use. Your speech style should be clear & polite.

National Honor Society Essay Example for Students

This is only an example and should not be seen as perfect or flawless. What makes NHS paper good is personal input and clear writing structure. What you will read below is one of many NHS essay examples, sum up all good factors that one of our expert writers came up with!

“Reading for Peace”

I feel deeply honored to apply for National Honor Society membership. As I was chosen a candidate that could truly bring positive changes for society, I worked hard to be worthy of  trust that my teachers have placed in me. A determined, caring, sensitive, and motivated person, - I found my passion in reading and sharing knowledge with younger students. I believe that books is a key to a better education in national society. I sincerely believe that as I become a member, I can promote value of books to people of all ages and participate in community work that allows everyone to enjoy wonderful art of reading.

No matter what service and community work I do, I always place my academic achievements first because people always learn by good examples they can follow. I realize that every challenge takes much effort and time, but where goal is set right, there is a way. My dream is to become a role model for people and be the one who brings back the joy of reading books to all who often overlook it and prefer video games instead. Learning to read when I was 5 years old, I know that it has helped me to improve my writing and the language skills. Being in the 6th grade, I participated in the “Spelling Bee” contest and  became a winner. As I saw the other students who failed to win, I spoke to them and discussed ways how they try to achieve success. It made me think of ways how every student could become motivated and inspired to learn in a fun and an entertaining way.  

Another reason why talking to fellow spelling contest participants was important to me was working on my social skills and helping others to feel better. As a smallest child in classroom, I was often mistaken for someone of a younger age and was often bullied because of that. It made me hide behind the books and do my homework for hours on end. It all lasted until the day when I saw a younger girl being bullied. Standing up for her, I understood that one should not suffer alone. It was the day when I got courageous to talk to other students to organize an anti-bullying campaign. I developed a strategy to fight the bullies along with other classmates. It was the first time that our class actually spoke of things that we preferred to hide. Joining the NHS, I want to participate in the anti-bullying campaigns and use the art of reading and knowledge to help the bullied ones feel worthy.

Being chosen as a candidate to join National Honor Society, I understand that it is already a great honor and a proof that what I do is valued and accepted by the national society I live in. The trust of teachers and the fellow students is what inspires me the most and helps always move forward. I feel confident to walk an extra mile daily to be worthy of such high praise and do my best to stand for the strong moral values, being there for others, joy and the safety of every person out there.

As a Final Word

An only thing that needs to be added is that you can always ask our writers at EduBirdie to help you. This way, an expert can check and proofread it for structure, grammar, logic, clarity, run of ideas, and plagiarism. Remember, it has to be 100% free of plagiarism. Our writing gurus know what and how to check your NHS essay for meeting of all requirements and expected standards! With Masters and PhD degrees of our writers, we do not settle for good, but aim only for the best!  

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