United States essays

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Essay on Favourite Vacation

1 Page 556 Words
California is an American state filled with 39.5 million residents. It’s high populations makes it the most populated and diverse state in the U.S. With its vibrant food culture, revolutionary technology, music and films, and beautiful landscape, it is no surprise that California is such a beloved state. The golden state is a favorite because of its many amenities. In...

Essay on Gun Violence in Florida

2 Pages 852 Words
Have you heard about the Gun Law Scorecard? If you have not seen it yet, I recommend starting with a sneak peek on Google. Furthermore, that is how I decided to start my research on Gun laws and the differences between the states, out of 50 states I decided to pick Florida, Texas, and Delaware. These three states are very...

Differences between the Chesapeake and New England Colonies: Compare and Contrast Essay

1 Page 695 Words
Introduction The Chesapeake and New England Colonies were two distinct regions established by English settlers in North America during the 17th century. Despite their shared origin, these colonies developed unique characteristics and experienced different social, economic, and political structures. In this essay, we will compare and contrast the differences between the Chesapeake and New England Colonies, focusing on their settlement...

Similarities between the Chesapeake and New England Colonies: Compare and Contrast Essay

1 Page 590 Words
Introduction The establishment of the Chesapeake and New England colonies marked a pivotal moment in American history. These two regions were among the first English settlements in North America, but they developed distinctively different societies. While there were notable differences, there were also some similarities between the Chesapeake and New England colonies. In this essay, we will explore the similarities...

Essay on Houston Fast Foods

1 Page 555 Words
Houston, Texas, is known for its vibrant food scene, offering a diverse range of culinary experiences. Among the popular food options in Houston, fast food holds a significant place. In this informative essay, we will explore the world of Houston fast foods, highlighting some of the popular chains and local favorites that contribute to the city's dynamic food culture. Houston,...

HAARP Essay on California Drought

1 Page 577 Words
Introduction: The California drought, one of the most severe and prolonged water crises in the state's history, has captivated public attention and raised questions about its underlying causes. In recent years, theories linking the High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) to the California drought have emerged, suggesting that the program's activities may have contributed to the water shortage. This analytical...

Essay on Invasive Species in Florida

4 Pages 1608 Words
The “law of unintended consequences” has applications in all of academia, which is not necessarily a good thing. Its general application in multiple fields has confined it to an abstract idea, rather than an applicable theory. Its concrete use has applications that could be beneficial to the economy, legislation, and regulation. To prove its worth as an applicable theory, it...

Essay on Leatherface Serial Killer

5 Pages 2483 Words
This essay will look at the Texas Chain-Saw Massacre and how it relates to the concept of freakery in film culture. The definition of freakery is something that is out of the ordinary or seems strange. The Texas Chain Saw Massacre explores this definition on all sides. Texas Chain Saw Massacre is one of the few films that proved as...

Compare and Contrast Essay on the British Colonial Settlements in Virginia and New England

1 Page 548 Words
Introduction The British colonial settlements in Virginia and New England played a significant role in shaping the early history of North America. Despite their common origin as British colonies, these regions developed distinct characteristics and experiences. This essay aims to compare and contrast the British colonial settlements in Virginia and New England, focusing on their establishment, economic activities, social structure,...

Refugee Crisis in California, Social Justice Essay

1 Page 637 Words
Introduction The refugee crisis is a global phenomenon that has significant implications for social justice. In recent years, California has been a prominent destination for refugees seeking safety and a better life. This essay aims to provide an analytical examination of the refugee crisis in California through a social justice lens. By analyzing the challenges faced by refugees and the...

Minimum Wage in Texas: Educational Essay

4 Pages 1789 Words
Poverty is defined as the state of being poor. However, poverty is also defined in relative and absolute terms. Relative poverty is poverty about the economic status or well-being of others; you're poor if you live under standards that aren't in the context of how society views a 'rich' person. Absolute poverty is the failure to meet basic needs such...

Minimum Wage Argumentative Essay

2 Pages 1132 Words
On October 15, 2018, the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO) reported that, successful January 1, 2019, the lowest pay permitted by law in the State of Florida will increase by $0.21 from $8.25, every hour to $8.46. This expansion is attached to the DEO's commitment under Florida law to correct the state's lowest pay permitted by law rate yearly...

Hawaii Sustainability Essay

5 Pages 2201 Words
Introduction The increasing number of planned events is a worldwide sensation (Goldblatt, 2000; Weber and Ladkin, 2003). The equivalent is true for event tourism (Getz, 2008). The environment is one of the primary matters for creating an event. Events do not only work as tourist attractions, the incentive for improvement, and renovation of destinations (Getz, 2008) but also produce massive...

Essay on Drought in California Statistics

2 Pages 885 Words
Mathematics Supporting the Theory of Global Warming In California, summers are hot, so wintertime is used to store water supplies for the rest of the year but with temperatures rising and we as humans ignoring this effect, we underestimate the risk of extreme events. The increase in global temperatures significantly increases the chances of weather extremes like droughts and heatwaves...

Why Was Life in the Chesapeake Region Very Different from Life in New England for Early Settlers

1 Page 574 Words
Introduction The early settlers in the Chesapeake region and New England experienced vastly different lives due to various factors such as geography, economy, social structure, and the motivations behind colonization. This essay will examine the reasons why life in the Chesapeake region, including Virginia and Maryland, was significantly different from life in New England for the early settlers. Geography and...

Unemployment in Texas Essay

4 Pages 1887 Words
In this assignment, I will present several laws/permits and regulations that a business should obtain to do or run their business in Houston, Texas. The regulations that will discussed in the following paragraphs are: Employer Identification Number, Federal and State Unemployment Insurance Number, Non-Occupational Disability Insurance, State Insurance Fund Policy, and Quarterly Wage Reports. These are several of the state...

Essay on Federalism in Texas

4 Pages 1640 Words
Texas tends to not restrict an individual’s right, however; the Texas government in the past seemed to always restrict an individual from gambling. The first Texas constitution banned all types of gambling even though many citizens seemed to enjoy the culture of gambling. The Texas ban on gambling was very strict. Any bet on random chance and any form of...

Essay on the Effects of Overpopulation in California

4 Pages 1762 Words
The Aftermath of the Overpopulation in California California is changing, and not always for the better. water is becoming scarce, open spaces are filling in, traffic, pollution, and overcrowding are all common concerns that affect daily life in California and the biggest factor contributing to California's decline is simply; too many people. Much of L.A. County in earlier days was...

Air Pollution in California Essay

4 Pages 1756 Words
The concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere, as of 2018, is the highest it has been in 3 million years ( ). Greenhouse gases (GHG) contribute to higher temperatures and more heat waves (). The Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006, also known as Assembly Bill 32 (AB 32), fights global warming by reducing greenhouse gas emissions from...

Why Is Ethnic Studies Important to California: Persuasive Essay

2 Pages 979 Words
Ethnic studies is the inclusive study of variation in race, ethnicity, nationality, sexuality, and gender. Ethnic studies aim to confront existing curricula and concentrate on the past various minority ethnicities in the United States; it is formulated to modify the stories, conflicts, and achievements of colored people taught in existing classes. Ethnic studies departments were originally organized on college campuses...

California During Progressive Era Essay

3 Pages 1322 Words
California was controlled by Mexico before the gold rush (1849-1855) radically transformed it. It provoked one of the largest migrations in U.S. history, with hundreds of thousands of people coming from all states and across the globe to find gold in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. This led to the formation of rapid economic growth and prosperity, railroads, banks, and churches....

Abortion in Texas: Persuasive Essay

1 Page 650 Words
The Texas anti-abortion law has taken the country's attention by storm, it is an issue on many different women's minds, especially those who live in the state of Texas. The Texas abortion law was implemented on the 1st of September 2021, this law banned abortions from as early as six weeks - the first time a heartbeat can be detected...

My Autobiography Essay about Living in the Bronx

1 Page 603 Words
My name is Martha Montanez and I am a current New York City college student and resident of the borough of the Bronx. I am writing to express concerns about the future of my Concord Avenue neighborhood. I think that you should reconsider the specified location of your proposal to build a new jail facility in Mott Haven in the...

Essay on Gun Violence in Chicago

5 Pages 2535 Words
Growing up in one of the most dangerous cities in the United States knowing that my city had gun laws stricter than any in the whole Nation concerned me knowing that gun control does little to nothing to stop gun shootings. Firearms had never been an issue throughout the previous centuries in the United States until it abruptly became a...

Water Crisis in California: Essay

3 Pages 1281 Words
The water crisis in California is a complex issue that has been prevalent for many years. The crisis Californians are facing is not going away any time soon, and it has only gotten worse. California, one of the largest states, is faced with being in a long-term drought and is one of the biggest agricultural states that provides billions each...

Why Visit Hawaii: Argumentative Essay

1 Page 405 Words
Traveling is one of the most educational experiences that a person can go undergo; it literally opens doors to new cultures, new people, and new places. There are hundreds of countries and many beautiful destinations in the world to discover, but the ones I would like to see most are some that I have been infatuated with since I was...

My Trip Back to Hawaii: Personal Narrative Essay

3 Pages 1404 Words
You do not realize how big the world is when you grow up on an island and can drive around the entire thing in three hours and that’s considered a road trip. It’s weird when you meet people who have never seen the ocean because you cannot fathom never seeing something you have been surrounded by your entire life. It’s...

Immigration Issue in Texas: Essay

1 Page 550 Words
The way in which the population of Texas is changing is by increasing and is likely to become a predominantly Hispanic state, as it once was. This is because Anglo-Texans became few in number in the 21st century, and the 'Baby Boom', depicted mostly by Caucasians, is nearing its end. The Hispanic population is younger and commonly known to have...

Descriptive Essay about Hawaii

1 Page 490 Words
Hawaii is defiantly one of the best-looking places I have visited. Hawaii’s physical appearance is very diverse. Most people have an image of Hawaii as very open and full of beautiful landscaping, they are not wrong. There is also the city part of Hawaii that honestly reminds me of New Orleans but without all the Mardi Gras parades. Everything is...

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