Spccd, V clocit)·, and Accelcгation Probleшs
1; se уоuг 0\\7::\ PAPJ:::R, and show Л] ,L woгk. Show the fonnula uscd, the sc1up, an(i the ans\;vei- witl1 tl1e
1 сопесt tшits.
1. Pete is diiving down i11 s1гect. IIecirives 150 meter-s in 18 seconds. Assuшing he does not speed
ur 01· slow down, v,1hat is ms speed in шetcrs per- second?
S � \ SOr'\A.- =- 5/· 3 ,м,/ S
\СЭ' s
2. Л personjogs 4.0 km in 32 minutes, then 2.0 km iл 22 minutes, ancl finally 1.0 km i11 16 minutes.
What is the joggeг's average speed iп km pcr minute?
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3. А tгаiп trю1c1s J 20 km in 2 hours and 30 miнutes. What is its avcrage speed? ( .2.-М 3 о (\А.А,\,. с
,м,.•... )
4. А plaпe·s averagc speed between two cities is 600 kш/hr. I[the trip takes 2.5 Ьi-s. how fаг does thc
planc Лу?
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5. George walks to а friend's housc. Не walks 750 meter·s North, then realizes he walked too far. Нс
tums aroнnd and walks 250 meters South. The eлtii-e walk takes him 13 seconds. \Vhat is his speed
per second?
Iл pi-oЬ!em #5, what \Vas George's velocity in meteгs per second? (hint: draw а picture to find l1is
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7. А ro]Jer coastei-' s vclocity at the top o-f а hill is 1 О m/s. Two seconds later it i-eacl1es the bottoш of
the llill witll а velocity of 26 m/s. What \Vas the acceleration of the coastei-?
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